1 Maintenance Decision Support System Pooled Fund Study TPF-5(054) David Huft, South Dakota DOT AASHTO Standing Committee on Highways Palm Desert, CA October 24, 2009 Connecting South Dakota and the Nation
2 Motivation for MDSS nRising expectations of traveling public and commercial carriers nRising material & fuel costs nConstrained agency funding and staffing nReliable, timely, reports of conditions hard to get nSome weather conditions are difficult to forecast nPavement response to weather conditions and maintenance treatments is complex nNew deicing chemicals are available nRetiring maintenance staff replaced by less experienced workers
3 MDSS Operating Premise If you know… nroad characteristics ncurrent conditions npredicted weather nphysics & chemistry of snow, ice, chemicals navailable resources (material, equipment, schedule) MDSS can recommend… ntreatment type napplication rate noptimal timing …and predict nfuture road conditions with or without treatments
4 MDSS Mass & Energy Modeling
5 MDSS Road Condition Prediction Passing Driving
6 Pooled Fund MDSS: Essential Elements of MDSS nReport actual road conditions nReport maintenance treatments nAssess past & present weather conditions nAssess present roadway state nPredict storm-event weather nRecognize resource constraints nIdentify feasible maintenance treatments nTarget agency priorities nPredict road surface behavior nCommunicate recommendations to supervisors and workers
7 MDSS Graphical User Interface Map View
8 MDSS Graphical User Interface Route View Different maintenance plans produce different road conditions
9 Mobile Data Collector Touch Screen Computer
10 MDSS is New… but Not New Assess DOT Needs, Readiness Evaluate Functional Prototype Develop MDSS Software 6-State Limited Deployment Refine MDSS Software Validation Studies 8-State Field Trials Broad Deployment 2007 Expanded Deployment B/C Analysis State Field Trials 12-State Field Trials 14-State Field Trials Refinement, Management Tools
11 MDSS Routes # of Routes CA6 CO108 IN156 IA65 KS18 KY5 MN185 NE101 NH7 NY17 ND77 SD80 VA9 WY68 Contractor is Meridian Environmental Technology
12 MDSS Benefits: Projected nAchieve same level of service with less material & effort –23% material savings in New Hampshire study nAchieve better level of service with same material & effort –10-15% less “unacceptable” conditions in New Hampshire study n8:1 Benefit/Cost Ratio New Hampshire nSimilar studies performed in MN, CO
13 MDSS Benefits: Realized nMitchell Region (SD) event example: $60/mile versus $300/mile nIndiana first-year statewide deployment in winter of 2008/2009 –Substantial reduction in salt use ($12M) –Reductions in overtime ($1.3M) & fuel –Estimated savings of $11M overall after normalizing for winter conditions –~27% of normal winter maintenance budget
14 MDSS Benefits: Intangible nOne-stop convenience for complete winter weather information nBetter anticipation of storm events & road conditions nDirect information delivery to managers & operators nMore seamless winter maintenance nReduced environmental impact nUse of MDSS “storm playback” as a training & analysis tool
15 Pooled Fund Study: Current Technical Directions nFostering initial deployments nIntegration w/DOT Information Systems –equipment, scheduling, traveler information nEvaluation, validation, and refinement nImproving physical models nImproving remote assessments of weather conditions nDevelopment of more management- oriented tools and reports
16 Pooled Fund Study: Membership Benefits nOpportunity to “test drive” MDSS nConvenient funding mechanism nLearning environment –State ↔ State –State ↔ Developer nPeer exchange process to identify and address technology challenges through research and development activities nNationally prominent forum for advancing MDSS and related technologies
17 Pooled Fund Study: Member Responsibilities nContribute Financially nContribute Intellectually –Project Panel Meetings (3/year) –Conference Calls –Technical Product Reviews –Assess Technology Gaps & Needs nConduct Deployment Field Trials nIntellectual Property Stewardship New States Are Welcome
18 Questions? For additional information, please contact: David Huft SDDOT Research Program Manager