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Presentation transcript:


Text 2SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013

3SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013

4SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013 SWING PROJECT Has received within the first 45 days from the date of signature a prefinancing payment for 60% of total requested grant from EC. Ammounting to ,87 PRE-FINANCING PAYMENT FINAL PAYMENT BALANCE INGV , ,18 CNIT , ,91 NOA10.039, ,86 EO10.037, ,62 Total , ,57

5SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013 SWING PROJECT Final reporting documents must be sent to EC within a maximum of 90 days from end of project (March 30, 2014) Payment of the balance will be received after the receipt of a formal request within a maximum of 90 days of submission, subject to the approval of the final reporting documents (June 30, 2014)

6SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013 At the end of Project INGV will furnish to EC 1.A Final narrative report that must be precise, correctly completed using the existing template; all questions must be answered; duly signed and dated by the Authorised Signatory. 2.The Final financial statement must be balanced, correctly completed using the existing template downloaded from the website, presented in a consolidated form for all Beneficiaries, duly signed and dated by the Authorised Signatory; must show the amount of interest earned on pre-payments (does not apply to public entities) and all supporting documents must be complete (if requested to be submitted by the Commission). 3. A summary of maximum two pages in English (Word document) summarising the objectives, the target groups, the activities (what and where) and the achievements of the project 4.All the deliverables produced within the framework of the CIPS project, such as reports, surveys, CD-ROMs, DVDs, agendas, signed attendance lists, etc. 5.The formal request for final payment must be correctly completed using the existing template, duly signed and dated by the Authorised Signatory.

7SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013 1) Staff Costs Documents to be provided: a table with a break down of all project staff by names, worked time, employment status (full or part time), "working time status" (options ) – must be in total coherence with the expenditure in the final financial statement a copy of the employment contract for each project staff member indicating duties, working hours, employment status and salary time sheets for each project staff member, indicating working hours and activity/tasks performed for the CIPS project, signed and dated by employee and employer a copy of the salary slips or payrolls of each project staff member for each month worked on the CIPS project a copy of the documents proving amounts of employers' tax and social contributions paid in addition to the gross salary of each project staff member a proof of payment through a bank account of the salaries, the tax and social contributions paid for each project staff member a proof of payment (through a bank account) of overtime/extra working hours, in case of Option 1 a copy of the secondment decision (public officials) /letter of assignment (NGOs, profitmaking entities) stating the name and function of the permanent employee seconded to the CIPS project, as well as the name and function of the seconding person employed to replace the seconded person for his/her regular duties, and indicating daily rate, working hours and tasks, in case of Option 3.

8SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013 Timesheets The timesheets should be signed by the project staff member who performed the work, certified by his/her hierarchical supervisor and the person responsible for the implementation of the CIPS project activity for which the work input by the staff member was required (if applicable). Timesheets should meet at least the basic requirements indicated below: Full name of the organisation/service concerned Full name and signature of the project staff member concerned Full name and signature of hierarchical superior of the project staff member Title of CIPS project as indicated in the Grant Agreement CIPS project reference number Time period concerned The activity of the CIPS project which required the work input Number of hours claimed on the project. It must be possible to verify all hours claimed in a reliable manner.

9SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013 2) Travel Expenses Documents to be provided: a copy of the invoice for flight or rail tickets stating name of passenger, date of travel and itinerary; proof of payment a copy of flight or rail tickets, including boarding passes travel expenses by private car: a copy of the reimbursement claim made to the Coordinator/Co-beneficiary, up to the cost of the first-class rail fare. The Coordinator is asked to indicate the equivalent rail fare for this journey proof of payment or of reimbursement to the participant, if the ticket was purchased directly by him (payment through bank account, unless the Commission has authorised other forms of payment) a copy of the attendance list (dated and signed). 3) Subsistence Expenses The daily allowance includes all costs (hotel, meals, local transport, taxis etc.) and must be within the limit set by the Coordinator/Co-beneficiary; moreover, it must not exceed the maxima amounts set by the Commission in the table under section ). Documents to be provided: the attendance list of the meeting held, signed by all participants invoices indicating clearly name of the person, the dates of stay, the cost per night (excluding telephone and minibar expenses), if hotel invoice invoices indicating clearly number of meals, if restaurant all dated receipts for local travel (taxi, train, bus), parking, etc. proof of payment or reimbursement in every case (payment through bank account).

10SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013 4) Equipment Expenses Documents to be provided: invoice apply the depreciation rate and attach a copy of national rules or normal practice of the Coordinator/Co-beneficiary. The date of purchase determines the eligible period of depreciation proof of payment the fixed asset register can be requested in order to prove that the equipment has been put in use 6) Consumable expenses Documents to be provided: invoices proof of payment ALL FINAL DOCUMENTS SHALL BE AT INGV BY END OF JANUARY 2014