Islamic Studies Courses in Chabot, Ohlone, Mission and De Anza Colleges Designed and Taught By Hafiz M. K. Siddiqi, Ph.D. The First Commandment of Allah SWT (God) Read! And Importance of education in Islam
Man in the supreme plan of God He is Khalifah/vicegerent/Trustee of God He is the most honorable creation of God The greatest gift given to man after his life is intelligence What makes man responsible for his words and actions, and accountable to God is: free will/freedom of choice
Aims and Objectives of education To produce individuals who have faith and knowledge, one sustaining the other Knowledge without faith is not only partial knowledge but can be a kind of new ignorance Islamic education insists that piety and faith must be recognized as integrated part of syllabus
Best of the Humankinds are the most knowledgeable ones The test of any educational program must be whether it brings the students nearer to God and His creations?, as a result of his faith and knowledge of both: God and His creations in general and humankind in particular Is he aware of God’s presence with him?, which is the source of all good
Qualities of a good student To be humble To enjoy the purity of heart To treat all others with kindness and fairness To have no grudge, enmity, jealousy, ill feelings and hatred for any one To work very hard to excel in all aspects of life
Ink of a scholar is holier in the sight of God than the blood of a martyr One scholar is heavier on Satan than one thousand worshippers Those who know and those who do not know, can never be equal. Seek knowledge even if you have to go to (as far as) China
Religious or Secular There is no concept of secular in Islam. All sciences which help man reach the highest point of excellence in understanding the universe are religious and compulsory for man to learn. Islam highly encouraged the learning of medical science, astronomy, astrology, Physics, and mathematics etc. medical science, astronomy, astrology, Physics, and mathematics etc.
A Caliph of God on earth Man can only represent God on earth as educated individual. One can not even worship God without learning about him. The real love for God and His creation can be developed through the knowledge Fear and doubts are removed by knowledge
The story of Prophet Solomon,pbuh The Holy Qur’an: 27/15-44 Valley of Ants Absence of Hoopoe Kingdom of Sheba Comparison of power of Jinn and Human Miracle of Solomon’s disciple Conversion of Queen Sheba
Story of Korah The Holy Qur’an: 28/76-82 Tremendous material wealth of Qarun Advice to have just balance between material and spiritual aspects of life Envy of the poor and ignorant Advice of the knowledgeable Earth swallows Korah and his wealth
Story of Prophet Moses pbuh The Holy Qur’an: 18/60-82 Who is most knowledgeable? Prophet Musa pbuh, seeks knowledge The journey with the teacher Conditions for companion ship Importance of parents Conclusion and lessons
Story of Abid and Alim A Scholar and ignorant worshipper can not be equal How Satan has control over the ignorant worshipper How the Scholar defeats Satan The Holy Qur’an: 35/28, 39/9 Hadith: A Scholar is heavier on Satan than 1000 worshipper
Prophet Muhammad pbuh said: Whoever walks a road seeking knowledge, Allah will make easy the path to the Garden (Jannah) for him (Muslim) To whomsoever Allah wants to do some good, He will grant him the understanding of the religious system and will guide him to straight path. (Ibn Maja)
Abdullah son of Abbas R.A. said: The rank of scholars is 700 times higher than the rank of believers He explained saying: there is a distance of 500 years journey between each 2 ranks out of 700 ranks mentioned above
The Holy Qur’an 96/1-5, 39/9, 35/28, 20/114, 58/11, 68/1-2, 2/31, 2/151, 2/129, 3/164, 62/2,18/60-82, 27/15-44, 28/76-82, 29/41-43, 47/24, 3/7, 22/54, 30/30, 55/1-2, 5/110, 53/5, 4/162, 21/74,79, 9/122, 3/18, 45/12-13, 22/8, 31/14-15, 34/6, 6/111