Basic Education Information System Prepared by Abram Y.C. Abanil August 23, 2009
Acknowledgements Region X Management led by Dir. Estrella Abid-Babano and the Schools Division Superintendents Original BEIS Team which developed the Excel- Based BEIS: –Deogracias Genito, Mercy Castro, Josephine Martinez, Jeremiah Gumboc, John Dispo and Abram Abanil Region X Planning Unit Region X Division Planning Officers School Heads
Objectives Make budget data available by September Introduce a preventive dropout monitoring system within the school year Make performance indicators available by December Make teacher deployment analysis (warm bodies) available per month Initiate the decentralization of encoding data down to school districts and schools
Main Page
Edit Password
Edit Contact Information
Edit School Information
If the school is an annex, select the Annex School option in the dropdown. You will also need to enter the Mother School ID of the annex school. Redistricting can be done by changing the school district of the school Moving a school to another region or division can only be done by the administrator or regional office
Adding of Schools Only the BEIS administrator can add schools Must send to the administrator containing information found in the edit school screen Current administrator: –(088) –(0920) or (0921)
Opening/Closing of Schools
Entering Integrated Schools
Entering Form 3 Data
After clicking on add button
Entering Form 3 Data Multigrade classes
Entering Form 3 Data Multigrade classes
Entering Form 3 Data SPED classes and SPED multigrade classes
Entering Form 3 Data For substitute teachers, enter the name of the original teacher in the textboxes for First Name, Middle Initial and Last Name as well as the position. The enter the name of the substitute in the Remarks textbox with a note that he/she is a substitute. To encode a class handled by a locally paid teacher, enter all the information required but leave the dropdown blank and enter the source of funding in the textbox.
Entering Form 3 Data To encode a class which is assigned to an item that is now vacant, enter a number in the textbox and “Vacant” in the textbox. If there are more than one vacant items, the first name should be different for each item to be counted correctly in the reports To encode a Subject Teacher, School Head or Support Personnel select the appropriate option in the dropdown. To encode morning and afternoon preschool classes taught by the same teacher, treat the two classes as different sections.
Entering Form 3 Data
An elementary teacher teaching at the secondary level of an Integrated School should be recorded at the elementary level with set to “Others” and stating that the said teacher is teaching at the secondary level. The same teacher will be recorded in the secondary level with set to “blank”, set accordingly and stating that the said teacher is borrowed from the elementary level.
Entering Form 3 Data To review the data encoded, generate the, and to be discussed later If there is a need to add options in the and dropdowns, send an to the Administrator so the system can be updated.
Entering Form 3 Data Editing/Deleting data
Entering Form 3 Data Copying data from previous months
Entering School Head Data
Entering Pupil Data
Entering Age Profile Must match with July Form 3 data
Entering Shifting Data Must match with July Form 3 data
Entering Promotees
Entering Dropouts
Entering Classroom Data
Entering Utilities
Entering Furniture Data
Entering Toilets
Entering Locally Funded Teachers
Entering Non-teaching Personnel
Entering Teaching Personnel
Entering Teaching Assignment Must match with Teaching Personnel data
Entering Enrolment by Program
Entering Teaching Load and Specialization
Entering ICT Facilities
ICT Coordinator
Entering ICT Facilities Computer Facilities
Entering ICT Facilities Internet Connection
Finalizing Data
Generating Reports
Generating Regional Reports
Generating Division Reports
Generating Sch. District Reports
Generating Leg. District Reports
Generating Province Reports
Generating Municipal Reports
Generating School Reports
Types of Reports Form 3 Data –Monthly Report on Enrolment and Attendance –Monthly Report of Personnel –Monthly List of Personnel –Monthly Attendance Data –Form 3 Checker
Monthly Report on Enrolment and Attendance
Monthly Report of Personnel
Monthly List of Personnel
Form 3 Checker
Types of Reports Enrolment Data –Total Enrolment –Monograde Enrolment –Multigrade Enrolment –Number of Classes –Shifting Data –Muslim Enrolment –Alive Enrolment –Indigenous Enrolment
Types of Reports Enrolment Data –Enrolment by Program Type –Enrolment in Integrated Schools –Age Profile of Pupils/Students –Pre-School Data –Age Profile of Preschool Pupils
Types of Reports Pupil Data –Number of Promotees –Number of Repeaters –Number of Dropouts –Number of Balik Aral
Types of Reports Personnel Data –Nonteaching Plantilla Items –Teaching Plantilla Items –Nonteaching Personnel Actually Working in the School –Teaching Personnel Actually Working in the School. –Vacant Nonteaching Items in the School –Vacant Teaching Items in the School –Locally Funded Teachers –Teacher Assignment –Teachers Teaching Subjects without Specialization –Teaching Load and Specialization of Teachers
Teachers Teaching Subjects without Specialization
Teaching Load and Specialization of Teachers
Types of Reports Facilities Data –Instructional Rooms –Non-Instructional Rooms –Pupil Seating –Toilets –Water Facilities –Electric Facilities –ICT Facilities
Water Facilities
Electrical Facilities
ICT Facilities
Types of Reports Monitoring Reports –Enrolment Monitor –Classroom Level Enrolment Monitor
Enrolment Monitor
Classroom Enrolment Monitor
Color Coding for Enrolment Monitor Blue0% & lower(No Decrease) Yellow0.01% %(Manageable Decrease) Gold2.01% %(Moderate Decrease) Orange5.01% %(Considerable Decrease) Red10.00% higher(Severe Decrease)
Types of Reports Deployment Reports –Teacher Deployment of Plantilla Items –Monthly Deployment of Nationally Paid Teachers Working in School (based on Form 3). –Monthly Deployment of Nationally and Locally Paid Teachers Working in School (based on Form 3) –Instructional Rooms Analysis –Furniture Analysis
Teacher Deployment
Color Coding for Teacher Deployment BlueLess than 25 (Excessive tchr surplus) Sky Blue (Surplus tchrs) Green (Generous tchr provision) Yellow (National mean ratio) Gold (Manageable ratio) Orange (Moderate tchr shortage) RedMore than 50 (Severe tchr shortage) BlackNo teacher (No tchrs)
Types of Reports SPED Data –Total SPED Enrolment –SPED Enrolment for Autism, Behavioral Problem, Blindness, Cerebral Palsy, Communication Disorder, Gifted/Fast Learners, Hearing Impaired, Intellectually Disabled/Mentally Challenged, Hearing Impaired, Learning Disability, Multiple Handicap, Orthopedically Handicapped, Special Health Problems
Types of Reports Miscellaneous Data –Status Report –List of Regions –List of School Divisions –List of School Districts –List of Temporarily Closed Schools –List of Mother Schools and Annexes –Masterlist of Open Schools –Number of Open Schools
List of Mother Schools and Annexes
Complying with Deadlines To fast track Quick Counts, prioritize encoding of July Form 3, Rooms, Furniture and Teaching Personnel To fast track Performance Indicators, prioritized encoding of Pupil Data, Age Profile, Promotees and Dropouts
Complying with Deadlines QC deadline is October 31 3 months encoding and validation time Performance Indicators needed by December for Annual Report SSM deadline is February 28 On July 17 Misamis Occidental encoded 23 schs Bukidnon encoded 24 schs In 16 days Misamis Occidental encoded more 206 schs Ozamiz and Oroquieta 100% (Elem, Sec)
Advantages Accessible wherever there is internet Faster than excel-based system Decentralized editing of school information and opening/closing of schools Capable of simultaneous encoding Encoding can be decentralized to schools or school districts Gathers detailed enrolment data
Advantages Can provide enrolment by grade level Can provide teacher data Performance indicators can be computed as soon as July enrolment is encoded (to be developed) Can provide teacher deployment of warm bodies on a monthly basis (to be developed)
Disadvantages Needs internet connection –PC based reporting system to be developed Reports need to be transferred to excel for manipulation More information on enrolment and teachers have to be encoded
Readiness for Nationwide Implementation Server is Core 2 duo, 2.66gh, 2gb RAM, 3 HD – 600gb Windows XP, EasyPHP 3.0 ISP provides up to 1 mbps bandwidth Faster than DepED website Server is available 24 hrs, 7 days Server will automatically switch on after a brownout in CDO
Readiness for Nationwide Implementation System automatically creates a backup everyday at 1 am and sends this to gmail Administrator can control server anywhere in the world with internet connection All schools as of SY 2008 already uploaded Only a request to the BEIS administrator is required to create a user account for division, region, school district or school Manual complete
Next Steps Train planning officers in web based programming - 150T budget already allocated from Project REACH for RO10 planning officers Develop PC based reporting system Develop private school system Develop performance indicators system Develop reports for general public
Guiding principles Make the work of planning officers easier Make information timely and relevant Continuously improve the system Give the power of maintaining the system to the planning officers –Make a system that is easy to understand (readability) –Make a system that is easy to enhance (modular) –BEIS should be owned by the planning officers
Basic Education Information System © DepED Planning Officers