Panel on Sustained Digital Libraries for Universal Use Ching-chih Chen Graduate School of Library & Information Science Simmons College, Boston 10 th ECDL Meeting, Alicante, Spain, September 18-20, 2006
Digital Library’s Conceptual Model Ching-chih Chen, Howard Wactlar, James Z. Wang and Kevin Kiernan, "Digital Imagery for Significant Cultural and Historical Materials - An Emerging Research Field Bridging People, Culture, and Technologies," International Journal on Digital Libraries, 5: (2005).
Continues to be searching for ways! Continues to have gaps between research & development, and the sustained digital libraries for universal use This panel hopes to bridge these gaps! How to achieve this?
Very much prompted by the need to know where we are going and where we should be going after over 15 years if digital library initiatives… This morning we head i2010 – the European Digital Library Initiatives from EU Many challenges and issues where raised. Today’s Panel
Global scale – UNESCO and its global initiatives In Europe – TEL (The European Library) with its collaborative activities among national libraries DELOS – A key reference in research and development In the USA – NSF and other activities NSF’s IDLP Projects (already over), like Global Memory Net NSF’s CISE Projects…, Ed Fox’s international dissertation and theses consortium, and many other exciting projects NSF’s NSDL Program IMLS (Institute of Museum and Library Services Today’s Panel
Aziz Abid, Head, UNESCO Memory of the World Eric van der Meulen, TEL, European Digital Library Vittore Casarosa, DELOS Steve Griffin, NSF, USA Speaker
Each speaker will speak for no more than 15 minutes We encourage discussions at the end of the session I have given a brief comment, and my co-chair, Jose, will give the summary at the end of the session. Format of the Panel
My comments – NSF’s DL-II initiative ended - NSF’s IDLP also ended NSF is raising the priority of international collaboration across the board, and that there are numerous funding opportunities for digital libraries research and applications both in CISE and domain programs. Also note that the Office of Cyberinfrastructure and the EHR/NSDL programs have considerable funding opportunity for DL and related work. The most useful reference for CISE and the Office of Cyberinfrastructure are found directly on the NSF web-site, not the "official" source of all program information. ( The new program announcement for Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS) is NSF Digital Libraries proposals are most relevant to the Information Integration and Informatics (III) cluster. Program solicitation – NSF Information and Intelligent Systems: Advancing human-centered computing, information integration and informatics, and robust intelligence Steve Griffin, NSF