National Quality Framework Educator to child ratios Podcast Series: 1 February 2012
Presentation overview 1. Overview of educator to child ratios 2. Key changes for services 3. Mixed aged group ratios 4. Excursions 5. Conclusion 6. Resources 7. Video
1. Overview of ratios What has changed? First increase to ratios occurring in 2016 Calculated across the service Based on all children under one Service Approval regardless of room or building configuration All educators must hold (or be studying towards) at a minimum a Certificate III qualification; and The first of every two educators must hold (or be studying towards) a Diploma qualification or above
Child Care Act 2002 (Determined by individual rooms) Educators Children National Quality Framework (Across the service – under one Service Approval) 6 44 Educators Children mths mths36 mths-school age
1. Overview of ratios Considerations in determining staffing Minimum educator to child ratios are maintained at all times (section 123) Only educators working directly with children are included in the ratio (section 122) Adequate supervision is maintained at all times (section 120) The education, health, safety and wellbeing of children are paramount Outcomes for children – develop relationships with other children and adults (section 155 – 156)
2012 – 2015RATIO2016 – 2017RATIO1 JAN 2018+RATIO 0-24 mths1:40-24 mths1: mths1: mths*1: mths*1:5 >24-35 mths1:6 >24-35 mths1:5>24-35 mths1:5 >30-35 mths1:8 3 yrs <7 yrs1:12 36 mths <school age 1:1136 mths <school age 1:11 4 yrs <7 yrs1:13 School age** 1:15 School age**1:15 4 yrs <14 yrs1:12 School age**1:15 Family Day Care *** 1:7 Family Day Care **** 1:7 Family Day Care **** 1:7 ‘ ’ means more than * Eligible services need to apply to continue using 1:5 ratio from 2012 until 2018 ** Means a child enrolled in schooling (Prep onwards) and attending anytime the same calendar year *** From 2012, the 1:7 ratio cannot include more than four children preschool age or under. ****Includes an educator's own children under school age until 2015 and then all children less than 13 years of age from Key changes for services
3. Mixed age group ratios What has changed? 1:7 mixed age group ratio no longer exists For mixed groups, the relevant ratio for each age group needs to be maintained How does this work? The ratio of the youngest child in each educator’s care applies Older children can be included in the ratio of younger children as long as the ratio of the youngest child is not exceeded
4. Excursions There is no explicit ratio for excursions, however minimum ratios cannot be exceeded Prepare a risk assessment and seek authorisation from parents (Section 100 – 102) Only an initial risk assessment is required for regular outings unless circumstances change (more than annual) Movement to other areas in a school is not an excursion
5. Conclusion Things to consider Impact on the quality of the program for each child Each of the seven quality areas of the National Quality Standard and desired quality ratings Ratios are minimum requirements Use professional judgement Ensure adequate supervision at all times
6. Resources Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) Guide to the National Quality Standard 3 Guide to the National Law and National Regulations 2 Guide to the National Quality Framework 1 Page 173 for Risk Assessment Template Department of Education and Training Fact Sheets Regional Officers Website
Thank you
VIDEO Click on the symbol on the lower right of the screen for a demonstration on mixed age group ratios