SHIPBREAKING Module 1: Introduction to Shipbreaking 1.1 Pre-planning and Hazard Assessment Susan Harwood Grant Number SH F-23
DISCLAIMER This material was produced under grant number SH F-23 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It does not necessarily reflect the views or polices of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. 2
Objectives: Identify elements that go into surveys and pre-planning State ways to remove hazardous material Identify equipment and valuable materials that may be salvaged Indicate the scrapping procedures used 4
First arrival 5 Figure 1 USS Des Monies berth at ESCO Marine
Even before the ship is moored a comprehensive inspection has taken place by an inspection team. 6 Figure 2 Vessel inside slip for pre-inspeciton
Plans and procedures are drafted by Managers and supervisors prior to the ships arrival. 7 Figure 3 Marine Metals supervisor discusses procedures for dismantling
Pre-planning is a very detailed process to ensure that the work is done safely and is financially sound. 8 Figure 4 Gangway to the vessel
Worker safety is always paramount. 9 Figure 5 Safety Officer discusses procedures
So what goes into the Pre-planning process? 10 Figure 6 View of the yard and slip out of the main shipping channel
The initial survey begins when the vessel is being evaluated during the purchasing phase. 12 Figure 7 Various ship keys in the captains stateroom
The planning phase details how the vessel is to be dismantled and the order in which the process will proceed. 13 Figure 8 Boom around the stern of a vessel
Hazards have to be early identified to determine the scope of work. 14 Figure 9 View inside the slip of the winch system
Generally the vessels have been inactive for years and hazardous conditions can build up in enclosed compartments. 15 Figure 10 Vessel inside the slip in the final dismantling
A complete inventory of all hazardous materials needs to be compiled and located. 16 Figure 11 Bridge compass and weather instruments
Compartments need to be assessed to determine whether they meet the standards as a confined space. 17 Figure 12 Double bottom of the hull
Access throughout the entire vessel needs to be planned out. 18 Figure 13 Access doorways from the exterior
Ladders and stairways need to be restricted until they are determined to be sound for workers. Remember corrosion. 19 Figure 14 Ladders on the mast of the vessel
Illumination, sanitation, ventilation, among others need to be evaluated and implemented. 20 Figure 15 Crews galley and serving area
Lastly, fire protection needs to be in place prior to beginning work. 21 Figure 16 Fire support system
The first phase determined the location of hazardous materials and now the second phase is removing them. 23 Figure 17 Inside view of a parts room
Hazardous material includes fuels, lubricate oils, asbestos, and insulating materials, to name a few that have been identified. 24 Figure 18 Asbestos lagging on piping in the engine room
Tanks have to be cleaned so that when hot work is preformed the chance for explosions and fires are eliminated. 25 Figure 19 Walkways inside the engine room
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) procedures are implemented and strictly enforced. 26 Figure 20 Worker with respirator working on deck
All hazardous materials must be removed prior to conducting hot work in the area. 27 Figure 21 Oil waste tank storage in yard
The next phase is removing and salvaging equipment that remains on board. 29 Figure 22 Captains sound power phone in stateroom
The contents in the compartments have to be removed prior to dismantling. 30 Figure 23 Nautical maps in chart room
Salvaging equipment is one reason, however safety from fires is the number one reason for removing materials. 31 Figure 24 Flumes after hot work on a sectional
Supervisors will inspect the compartments and address items that will be salvaged or disposed. 32 Figure 25 Switch board in engine room for ahead and astern propulsion
The items that have value, will have instructions as to where the equipment will be located once off the vessel. 33 Figure 26 Personnel affect in stateroom
Machinery and larger equipment may have to wait until the compartment is accessible. 34 Figure 27 Machinery in the engine room
Wiring and electronics need to be handled carefully due to being hazardous or delicate. 35 Figure 28 Gauges and switches on a engine room panel
The forth phase is scrapping the vessel which is a systematic dismantling. 37 Figure 29 View of the hull down to the double bottom
Supervisors will make decisions on each cut based on the pre-planning process. 38 Figure 30 Worker with fall protection
The superstructure is removed and compartments along the hull are dismantled in the process. 39 Figure 31 Open deck compartments looking towards the bow area
Material that is removed is separated into ferrous and non-ferrous metals. 40 Figure 32 Scrap steel that has been processed
Once Hot work is fully engaged the fire watch personnel have to be vigilant. 41 Figure 33 Hot work on hull
Safety is the key to success! 42 Figure 34 Workers cutting prop
References: OSHA eTool 45
46 Worker Safety is the Priority