NUI Galway Child Protection Presenter: Carmel Browne
Aim of Children First 2011 To assist people in the identification and reporting of child abuse and neglect and deal effectively with concerns To provide a framework to support the enhancement of inter agency co-operation and the strengthening of multidisciplinary responses to child abuse and neglect To emphasise that the welfare of the child is of paramount importance (Children First )
Setting the Context Child Care Act 1991 UN Convention on Rights of the Child- ratified 1992 Protection for Persons Reporting Child Abuse Act, 1998 National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Act 2012 Children First Bill 2012 Our duty to Care 2002 Children First National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2011
What the University must do ‘All statutory, voluntary and community organisations working with and in direct contact with children should have procedures and guidelines derived from and consistent with the current Children First: National Guidance (Children First )
Introduction Based on Children First Safety and well-being of child the priority Aims to give direction and guidance in dealing with suspicions/allegations
Confidentiality Information only shared on ‘need to know’ basis University personnel DO NOT investigate Health Service Executive or Gardai investigate In emergency, if HSE not available, contact Gardai
Categories of Child Abuse Child neglect Emotional abuse Physical abuse Sexual abuse
Recognition of Abuse possibilities All personnel should be familiar with signs /symptoms A person with concerns about a child should liaise with University Child Protection Officer Health Service Executive should always be notified if reasonable grounds for concern (may have been/ is being/ is at risk of being abused)
Anyone Dealing with disclosures Child will be distressed – need to maintain trust Stay calm/reassure child it was right to tell Don’t promise confidentiality Indicate next steps Avoid judgements/leading questions Record disclosure immediately Report immediately to the Child Protection Officer
Recording Disclosure Note what you have seen/observed Describe physical injuries Record what child said, use child’s words Avoid conjecture/supposition Sign/ date/ give to CPO (who retains in secure location)
Action to be taken by University personnel University personnel who receive an allegation or have a suspicion re abuse should report to the CPO without delay The supports of the university should continue to be made available to the child
University Contact Details For any Child Protections please contact the NUI Galway Child Protection Officer: Carmel Browne Deputy Child Protection Officer: Dermot Flaherty