1.DT-2000 and DT-800m Driver Interface Computers 2.DriverTech Driving Mode Application (Software) DRIVERTECH'S STAKE IN THE CONSORTIUM
1. DT-2000 and DT-800m Driver Interface Computers A. Windows CE Operating System B. Multiple 10 (Multiple RS-232 and Parallel Ports) C. Interface to J1708 and J1939 Data Buses D. VGA Color Display E. Two PCMCIA Slots F. Audio Processing Circuit
2. DriverTech Driving Mode Application A. Hard-coded driver interface software B. HTML support for dynamic form creation C. Remote Command Message (RCM) D. Raster Map Navigation E. Load Tendering Module F. Satellite and Terrestrial Wireless Connectivity
SAE Truck and Bus ITS Committee's Driver Interface Task Force Scope Statement: To define a series of methods for interaction, including a messaging structure between the electronic computing systems of a vehicle and the operator of that vehicle. Focus is on the limitations on what interactions are permitted, rather than defining each possible interaction.
Conceptual Framework
Operating Modes 1. Driving Mode Restricted Software Determined by Truck Motion and Other Factors Driving Safety Is Paramount 2. Stopped Mode Open Computing Environment Driving Safety Is Not a Factor 3. Diagnostic Mode Driving Safety is Important System Diagnosis is Paramount
Conceptual Framework Sketches from Task Force Members
Vehicle On-board computer Third party app On-board computer Third party app Driver Interface Driver Vehicle
** DISPLAY 1 DISP 2 APP 1 APP 2 APP 3 APP 4 (No Comm) COMM 1 COMM 2 IDB (?) PwrTrn (?) (1939) * * * DISP 3 APP 4 COMM 4 DEVICE / APP OPERATOR TECHNICIAN OTHER Various displays (physical) possible – Highly integrated (DISP 1) w/Multiple Apps. & Comms. – ‘Terminal’ type, w/App from some other device – Stand alone, single App w/Comms – Apps w/no Network Comms (phone book, etc.) Various interface definitions needed – App to display – App to App – IDB to App – Other net (1939?) to Apps – Display to operator – Different roles of the ‘operator’, moving, stop, service
Application Application Layer Button object Screen area objectButton object Screen Object Button objectScreen Area object Screen Object Button and screen drivers Buttons & scanner, & Deboynoe Screen driver(s) VGA Video Card GUI Voice interaction not shown Vehicle Component Layer Hardware Abstraction Layer Kernel/Driver/Bios Hardware - open bus Virtual ITS Toll Virtual ITS Weight ITS Comms Driver Comms Xpndr ITS Systems ITS Open Onboard System Architecture (Page 1 of 2) Front EndBack End
Application ITS Open Onboard System Architecture (Page 2 of 2) Dispatch Mailbox Wife Mailbox Driver created Mailbox Virtual Comms Object Comms Driver Comms Xcvr Driver Object Driver ID System Driver Driver ID System Virtual Engine Object Transmission Object Brakes Object Vehicle Location Object Vehicle ID Object Trailer Object (ID) Trailer Brakes Trailer Reefer J1587 Mailbox Object J1939 Mailbox Object Task Manager J1587 Driver J1939 Driver Vehicle Object GPS Object GPS Receiver Driver Inertial Nav Object INS Driver J1587 Xcvr J1939 Xcvr GPS RovrInertial Nav Sys System/ Vehicle ID Chip Home Screen(s)Startup Screen
1. Max Info Processing Capability (a point) 3. Information Presented 2. Information Available/Time Emergency Only Maintenance Info Any Data 4. Information Management (Rules)