Team Miles of Style Chris Bentivenga, Dan Cunningham, Sean Congden, Mike Drogalis Sponsors: Wayne Evans, Jim Drago Coach: John Loser
About Garlock ●Create sealing technologies ●Used in wide variety of applications ●Pharmaceutical plants ●Nuclear power plants ●Oil refineries & pipelines
Problem ●Garlock wants to provide a system to check product status and hopefully predict failures ●Mission critical
Scope ●Receive sensor readings ●Thresholds and alerts ●Sensor history and details ●Security in isolated data stores ●User hierarchies
Why Scrum? ●Requirements and scope volatility ●We aren’t Mechanical Engineers ●Demo each sprint ●Will allow for some end-user testing early ●Sponsor is very hands on
Scrum Details ●Roles ●Two-week sprints ●Meetings ●Tri-weekly standups ●End of sprint meetings ●Artifacts ●Sprint backlog ●Velocity chart ●Tools ●Pivotal Tracker ●Trello
Requirements Elicitation ●Initial meetings ●Requirements captured in user stories ●Estimated with planning poker
Design ●Web App ●Easy Deployment ●Forces ●Arbitrary Locations ●API ●Strong data isolation ●Dynamic visibility ●3 Designs ●API storage dashboard ●Explicit trade-offs
Design Tradeoffs TradedReceived Storage AbstractionEase of deployment Organizational user isolationEase of testing & auth Physical decouplingEase of authentication
Design Tradeoffs TradedReceived Storage AbstractionEase of deployment Organizational user isolationEase of testing & auth Physical decouplingEase of authentication
Design Tradeoffs TradedReceived Storage AbstractionEase of deployment Organizational user isolationEase of testing & auth Physical decouplingEase of authentication
Design Tradeoffs TradedReceived Storage AbstractionEase of deployment Organizational user isolationEase of testing & auth Physical decouplingEase of authentication
Current Architecture
Technology ●Hand-off is paramount ●Web framework ●Rails ●Spring ●Scala Play ●SQL vs NoSQL ●MongoDB ●Big data ●Performance ●Highcharts for JS data visualizations
Technology ●Hand-off is paramount ●Web framework ●Rails ●Spring ●Scala Play ●SQL vs NoSQL ●MongoDB ●Big data ●Performance ●Highcharts for JS data visualizations
Technology ●Hand-off is paramount ●Web framework ●Rails ●Spring ●Scala Play ●SQL vs NoSQL ●MongoDB ●Big data ●Performance ●Highcharts for JS data visualizations
Technology ●Hand-off is paramount ●Web framework ●Rails ●Spring ●Scala Play ●SQL vs NoSQL ●MongoDB ●Big data ●Performance ●Highcharts for JS data visualizations
Technology ●Hand-off is paramount ●Web framework ●Rails ●Spring ●Scala Play ●SQL vs NoSQL ●MongoDB ●Big data ●Performance ●Highcharts for JS data visualizations
Technology ●Hand-off is paramount ●Web framework ●Rails ●Spring ●Scala Play ●SQL vs NoSQL ●MongoDB ●Big data ●Performance ●Highcharts for JS data visualizations
Testing ●Unit testing ●Scala Spec ●Play Framework ●Integration testing ●Continuous integration & deployment ●UI and navigation testing ●Acceptance testing ●Sprint reviews ●Sponsor feedback
Testing ●Load testing ●Big data problem ●Garlock sample data ●Usability testing ●User interface focal point ●Garlock employee feedback
Risk Mitigation ●Unexpected major features ●User interface not useful to Garlock engineers ●Design unable to handle large sensor load ●New technology gold plating ●Developer strain weeks 9 and 10
Metrics - Coverage NameClassesConditionalsFilesLines Controllers17%100%29%8% Models89%100% 42%
Metrics - Velocity #1#2#
Metrics – Requirements Volatility 15 Additions
Metrics - Bugs 21 Found 12 Fixed 9 Current
Reflection ●Good ●Scrum ●Team gels ●Bad ●Winter Break Planning ●Code reviews ●Testing discipline ●Other ●Play
Second Quarter ●Next sprint ●Usability Analysis ●Garlock engineers ●Customer experts ●Hand-off