DSLR Astrophotography Blythe Guvenen Kitt Peak Visitor Center
DSLR Astrophotography 1-5 minute exposures Noisier than dedicated astrophotography CCDs Easier to use! Equipment Cable release Mirror lockup Poor H-alpha sensitivity Modified DLSRs are available
Equipment: “Inexpensive” Set Up Wide-field shots DSLR camera Any DSLR with a “bulb” setting 8mm to 300mm lens Sturdy tripod “Piggyback” to tracked telescope
Equipment: Moderate Set Up Modified DSLR Hutech modified camera Canon 60da GEM – German Equatorial Mounts Losmandy GM-8; Orion Atlas EQ-G Widefield refractor, Stellarvue, TeleVue, etc. Meade SN-8 etc.
Equipment: $$$ Mount: AP 1200GTO Field computer, MaximDL Observatory w/power Takahashi Epsilon-200
Mount Manufacturers Losmandy G11 Celestron CGE, CGEM Pro w/ Gemini GOTO Celestron CGE, CGEM Pro Mountain instruments AP 600-900-1200 Software Bisque Paramount ME & MX Takahashi
Accurate Tracking: Autoguide Autoguiding? Ensures round stars Fishcamp Starlight Express “Lodestar” SBIG ST-4 & STV Discontinued SBIG SG-4
Telescope Wide-field Short focal length Refractor or Newtonian Astrograph
Refractor Examples TeleVue: 102is Stellarvue Astro-Physics-$$$ TEC-140 APM Takahashi FSQ-106 Meade
Reflector Schmidt-Cassegrain: Newtonian RC Long focal length, slow optical system, moving mirror – difficult to stabilize focus Compact optical tube assemblies Newtonian Fixed mirrors, fast optical system, short exposures Longer optical tube assemblies RC Flatter near the edge of the field of view No corrector plate
Focuser Precision…but expensive: Feathertouch, Moonlight, Optec TCF-S, FLI, and “FocusMax” Less expensive: Hartmann mask Stiletto focuser, knife edge
DSLR Examples: