Effective teaching requires that you also be an effective manager. Are you able to get students’ cooperation, maintain students’ involvement in instructional tasks, and carry out the business in the classroom smoothly?
Classroom atmosphere Physical environment Room arrangement Motivation Use of time Classroom communication
Classroom leadership Autocratic Democratic Laissez-faire
Discipline vs Punishment
Physical environment An attractive classroom is conducive to learning. Ventilation,temperature, and lighting of the classroom also affect student comfort and the ability to concentrate. Bulletin boards and displays can add much to the attractiveness and atmosphere of a classroom.
Room arrangement and seating patterns can be an effective means of classroom management. Possible seating arrangement Semicircles Cluster of four Theatre Rectangle
Expect the best from students Model desired behavior Share expectations Establish a positive atmosphere Actively involve students Make learning seem worthwhile Cultivate self esteem Use reinforcement Reduce anxiety
Changing and beginning classes Excessive viewing of films Spending too much time on discipline Extracurricular activities
Respectful communication is always a two- way street. Eye contact Facial expressions Body posture Physical space
Authoritarian Punishing Faultfinding Demanding Commanding Critical Pressuring Sharp-voiced Imposing Dominating Harsh Fearful
Democratic Friendly Firm Encouraging Stimulating Helping Guiding Winning Warm Caring Fair Influencing
Laissez-faire Permissive Allows total freedom Leads to anarchy and disorder
The Canter Model The Glasser Model The Kounin Model TET Model Logical Consequences model
Begin the class on time Set up procedures for beginning your class Set up procedures for dismissing class Stop misbehavior immediately Direct your talk to the class not to the chalkboard Be polite to students and reinforce their politeness Be firm and consistent
Be with it Use non verbal signals Be helpful, not hurtful Plan well Use verbal reprimands with care Always set a good example
A classroom must have an effective leader and must be orderly, and discipline must be maintained in order for learning to take place. A successful teacher must have good classroom management. The key to effective management is the relationship you establish with your students. Promote a democratic but businesslike atmosphere, in which responsibilities are shared and learning is of paramount importance.
“He who wishes to teach, teaches everywhere, in the open air. Socrates taught in the public street. Plato in the gardens of the Academy, Even Christ among the mountains and lakes.”
A GUIDE at the side, NOT a sage on the stage.
earn xplore dapt esign xecute eview Follow the Leader
Good day and God bless! Good day and God bless! Dr.Luzviminda Quintos-Ramos