“Human Rights Abuses in Tobacco Agriculture” Michael H. Crosby, OFMCap. TOBACCO CONTROL AND HUMAN RIGHTS Singapore 19 March, 2012
FOUR LEGS OF TOBACCO-CONTROL LEGISLATION (public policy [FCTC, federal, state, local], smokefree facilities, taxes, etc.) LITIGATION (false advertising, victim compensation, etc) RESEARCH AND EDUCATION (media campaigns, counter advertising, materials/courses for schools) ADVOCACY OF VARIOUS STAKEHOLDERS (organ- izing farm workers and others, demonstrations, boycotts, socially responsible investing, attendance at annual meetings of the tobacco companies)
THE INTERFAITH CENTER ON CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY Who: Coalition of 275 religious institutions (Protestant, Catholic, Jewish) buying/holding stock in major U.S.-based corporations How: Dialog and filing shareholder resolutions Why: Recognizing the need to include moral and ethical concerns to investments (i.e. adding environmental, social and governance issues) to fiscal concerns Links to similar faith-based and SRI groups around the world
ISSUES OF THE ICCR Climate Change: GHG reduction, sustainable energy supplies Access to Capital: predatory lending, international debt, bailout Militarism and Violence: foreign military sales, video games Corporate Governance: executive compensation, pay disparity, women/minorities on boards Food and Water: issues of sustainability and safety Vendor Standards: supply chain, sweatshops Access to Health: full coverage principles, pricing, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, tobacco Human Rights: codes of conduct, worker rights, safety
2012 SHAREHOLDER RESOLUTIONS OF ICCR MEMBERS WITH TOBACCO COS. ALTRIA: Board to authorize an annual report detailing the company’s policies and procedures related to lobbying legislators and regulations directly and indirectly (through trade associations). LORILLARD and RAI: Board to create a special ethics committee to review any and all efforts to ensure shareholders that its products and product promo- tions are not undermining efforts of governments at any level to adopt laws and practices that will free Americans from the negative consequences of the use of its tobacco products.
2012 SHAREHOLDER RESOLUTIONS OF ICCR MEMBERS WITH TOBACCO COS. PMI: Given revelations in the media (i.e., “Sex, Lies and Cigarettes,” “The Smoking Baby,” “From Age 2-7: Why Are children Smoking in Indonesia”) of what PMI is doing... Ask Board to create an independent ethics commit- tee to review any and all future marketing efforts of PMI anywhere in the world to ensure shareholders that all of its tobacco products and promotions do not undermine the efforts of sovereign nations to adopt laws and practices (based on the FCTC) meant to keep its products from illiterate people or children.
ONGOING DIALOGS & SHAREHOLDER RESOLUTIONS with MOVIE STUDIOS/COMPANIES re: TOBACCO-FREE MOVIES CBS Comcast (Universal) NewsCorp (20 th Century Fox) Walt Disney Company (Disney) Time Warner (Warner Brothers) Viacom (Paramount) [Sony]
2012 SHAREHOLDER ACTIONS OF ICCR MEMBERS WITH OTHER TOBACCO COS. ALLIANCE ONE and UNIVERSAL LEAF similar to past resolutions filed with Altria, PMI and RAI: Board to commit itself to create protocols ensuring it will not buy any product at tobacco auctions or from suppliers who are revealed to be in violation of their own countries’ stated laws related to laborers or who operate in countries with consistent records of human rights violations, especially vis-à-vis egregious forms of forced child labor.
ICCR EFFORTS SINCE MUMBAI REGARDING TOBACCO FARMWORKERS AND FORCED CHILD LABOR IN USA: Multi-stakeholder meeting in April, 2012 to address concerns related to problems linked to North Carolina tobacco industry, farmers and farmworkers. GLOBAL: Adoption of Good Agricultural Policies and Procedures and independent monitoring related to tobacco farms and farmworkers by Altria and PMI.