Sonneur 9/9 BRAINSTORM Do you remember how to greet others in French? (formal vs. informal) How to introduce yourself? How to ask how someone is and tell them how you are? Write down what you remember!
How to say hello Bonjour! - Hello!Bonjour, Nathalie! Salut! -Hi!Salut, Jean-Paul! Bonjour, Madame/Mademoiselle/Monsieur.
How to ask how someone is Comment allez-vous? (formal) Comment vas-tu? (informal) –How are you? (Comment) Ça va? (informal) –How’s it going?
How to respond Ça va très bien. –I’m doing very well. Ça va bien. –I’m doing well. Ça va mal. –I’m doing badly. Comme ci, comme ça. –I’m doing okay. Merci. –Thank you Et vous? (formal) Et toi? (informal) –And you?
Introductions Comment vous appelez-vous? (F) –What is your name? Comment t’appelles-tu? (inf) Je m’appelle- My name is Mon nom est- My name is Ça s’écrit comment? –How do you spell it?
Activité Hello, how are you? Respond with how you are What is your name My name is
devoirs DUE THURSDAY Write a one and a half to two page paper (double spaced, size 12 of any legible font) comparing French and American greetings. How could one get confused with French greetings? What is the difference between the two countries’ greetings? Are there different greetings based on region/social class in America? What is your opinion on the two greetings?