French 9/12/11 Ouvrez vos livres á page 22. Faites # 6 Écoute. Why should you be careful when it is raining cats and dogs? Mot – word. Comment s’écrit ce mot? How do you spell that word? Goals –L’alphabet, les chiffres, TPR classroom commands, spelling, using numbers in French. Learn more ways to say hello and goodbye. Les Devoirs – Page 22, #8.
French 9/13/11 Ouvrez vos livres á page 22. Ecrivez une dialogue. How do you make friends with a squirrel? Préfèrer – to prefer. Moi, je préfère les films d’action. I prefer action movies. Goals –Revue! Learn more ways to say how you are. Learn the importance of gestures. Les Devoirs – Page 24, #10.
French 9/14/11 Ouvrez vos livres á page 24. Faites # 12 Écoute. What is the witch’s favorite subject? Ami(e) – friend. Vous êtes une amie à lui? You are a friend of his? Goals –Revue! Learn how to find out someone’s name without going up to them. Les Devoirs – Page 25, #17.
French 9/15/11 Ouvrez vos livres á page 25. Faites #15 Écoute. Why did Kyle put his car in the oven? Magique – magic. C’est magique! It’s magic! Goals –Revue. Learn how to ask someone’s name. Prepare for orale 1-1. Les Devoirs –Write a dialogue that includes everything from premiere etape.
French 9/16/11 Repondez aux questions suivantes: Ça va? Tu t’appelles comment? Tu as quelle âge? Ecrivez - eux. What has no beginning, no end, and nothing in the middle? Trousse – pencil case. Elle lui donné une trousse. Goals –Revue! Preparer á l’orale 1-1. Les Devoirs – Pas.