The Campus Portal as a Solution to Electronic Resource Presentation: The Intersection of MyLehigh and MyLibrary Christine Roysdon Library and Technology Services Lehigh University
Lehigh’s SCT/Campus Pipeline Portal Project began in 2002 Wide participation within LTS Single signon to Blackboard and Banner Constituent portals such as FYS, Admitted, Alumni (in progress)
First Year Student Portal
Examples of Channels LehighNOW -- news Pulse of the campus – campus newspaper poll Older services migrated -- SALE Carpooling – new Morning Call – regional newspaper
And the library?
Library collection developments Conversion to electronic journals Interlinkages between ejournals and databases via Open URL Electronic reference works Inclusion in catalog, multiple lists Need to restore browsing capabilities
Goals for Library presence on the portal Organize electronic resources by subject, augmenting: –database finderdatabase finder –ejournal listejournal Bring to light works “hidden” in the online catalog, such as reference works Possibilities for customization and personalization Push important services, news, messages
Organize electronic library resources by subject Users can customize and personalize Potential for integration into SCT Campus Pipeline or another uPortal standard portal application Developed at NC State, now at Notre Dame ( ) Open-source and free (MySQL) Selection of MyLibrary
Issues with MyLibrary Aging software Resource selection could be cumbersome Maintenance concerns Duplication of effort
Documented User Issues with MyLibrary Remembering things: Location, passwords Initial customization hurdle Could we overcome through the portal?
Two major challenges Loading *all* electronic library resources into MyLibrary sorted out by subject Matching sets of eresources by subject to the right users
Lehigh’s MyLibrary Banner roles FACULTY MUS Electronic music library resources in ASA catalog
Challenge 1: Getting resources into MyLibrary effectively Assign resources into MyLibrary subject codes, using fund codes corresponding to departments/majors, e.g. PMUS Harvest electronic resources from the SIRSI catalog Effect workflow changes to accommodate new resources
692 Codes EMUS – Music electronic reference work PMUS – Electronic music periodical
Challenge 2: Map Users to MyLibrary subject fields Use of Library Fund Codes to organize materials AND users Extraction of users to MyLibrary database Mapping of Banner codes of users to MyLibrary codes Example: MyLibrary discipline field #8 = Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) EES= Banner major codes EES + ECOL +ENSC and department code EES
User Interface Librarians set up default choices for subject pages Look and feel resembles the rest of the Lehigh portal, though it’s a monolithic tab Users can customize subject lists or select titles from outside their discipline Integration with EZProxy
Introduction Introduced in Fall of 2004 Publicity campaign Usage grew steadily throughout the first year, down during second year
Quotes Wow! Major kudos to you all for the great new journalism collection portal- thingy! There are journals there that I didn't realize we had electronic access to. Thanks so much for making it easy to find what's available in our hard-to- categorize field of research.
Quotes I find the … product a real asset to the Portal. I am now drawn to use the Portal in a full-service way which just wasn't available before. Thanks to all who helped motivate this addition to the Portal.
Issues with Lehigh MyLibrary implementation Speed issues and CPIP Does not accommodate current federated search services Need true channels New functionalities…
Christine Roysdon Tim McGeary