WavesTides H 2 O Chemistry Currents
These cause both surface currents and waves. What are winds? Category 1 Question 1
Water particles move in this fashion when a wave passes through. What is a circular motion? Category 1 Question 2
This determines the strength of a wave. What is wave height? Category 1 Question 3
In shallow water, this increases. What is wave height? Category 1 Question 4
These powerful waves are caused by earthquakes on the ocean floor displacing large amounts of water. What are tsunamis? Category 1 Question 5
This type of tide occurs when the Earth, sun, and moon are all in a straight line. What is a spring tide? Category 2 Question 1
The sum of the number of high tides and low tides in any given day, on any given beach. What is four? Category 2 Question 2
Low tides occur about this often in one day. What is twice? (About every12.5 hours) Category 2 Question 3
This type of tide occurs when the Earth, sun, and moon form a right angle. What is a neap tide? Category 2 Question 4
Tsunamis are most common in this ocean. What is the Pacific Ocean? Category 2 Question 5
This steadily decreases the further down you travel from the ocean surface. What is light, or color, or temperature? Category 3 Question 1
This steadily increases the further down you travel from the ocean surface. What is pressure? Category 3 Question 2
These two gases are necessary in the ocean for living things to survive. What are oxygen and carbon dioxide? Category 3 Question 3
This is a measure of the total amount of salts dissolved in ocean water. What is salinity? Category 3 Question 4
The density of sea water depends largely on these two factors. What are temperature and salinity? Category 3 Question 5
Differences in this cause most of the deep-water currents in the ocean. What is density? Category 4 Question 1
Winds blow horizontally, but because of Earth’s rotation, they curve. This phenomenon is called… What is the Coriolis effect? Category 4 Question 2
Because of the Coriolis effect, ocean currents AND winds in the Northern Hemisphere curve in this direction. What is clockwise? Category 4 Question 3
This large scale weather system changes wind patterns and affects Earth’s weather. What is El Niño? Category 4 Question 4
Category 4 Question 5 If there are 15 units of pressure at the surface, and pressure increases 10 units per 100 meters, the pressure at 300 meters would be this. What is 45?