Brokers Xpress: A Broker/Dealer Helping Independent Advisors Tiburon Research September 1, 2012
– Brokers Xpress © Tiburon Strategic Advisors, LLC™ 11 Brokers Xpress Source:Tiburon Research & Analysis Based in Chicago, IL 125 employees 55 rep offices 95 reps 22,500 accounts $1.6 billion assets under administration $100 million revenues CEO: Blaine Schwartz Web site: Comments
– Brokers Xpress © Tiburon Strategic Advisors, LLC™ 22 Note:Another source said that Broker Xpress generated $129 million revenues in 2005 Source:12/18/06 Investment News; 6/05 Financial Advisor; 6/05 Financial Planning; 5/30/05 Investment News; 4/18/05 Investment News; 1/17/05 Investment News; 6/04 Financial Planning; 6/04 Investment Advisor; 6/04 Financial Advisor; 4/5/04 Investment News; 1/19/04 Investment News; 12/15/03 Investment News; 6/03 Financial Planning; 6/03 On Wall Street; 6/03 Investment Advisor; 6/03 Financial Advisor; 5/03 Ticker; Tiburon Research & Analysis Brokers Xpress Revenues ($ Millions) Brokers Xpress Generates $100 Million Revenues, Up Steadily Since 2001
– Brokers Xpress © Tiburon Strategic Advisors, LLC™ 33 Source:6/05 Financial Advisor; 6/05 Financial Planning; 5/30/05 Investment News; 4/18/05 Investment News; 1/17/05 Investment News; 6/04 Financial Planning; 6/04 Investment Advisor; 6/04 Financial Advisor; 4/5/04 Investment News; 1/19/04 Investment News; 12/15/03 Investment News; 6/03 Financial Planning; 6/03 On Wall Street; 6/03 Investment Advisor; 6/03 Financial Advisor; 5/03 Ticker; 1/27/03 Investment News; Tiburon Research & Analysis Brokers Xpress Revenues Per Rep ($ Thousands) Brokers Xpress Generates More than $1 Million in Revenues Per Rep, Up Steadily Since 2001
– Brokers Xpress © Tiburon Strategic Advisors, LLC™ 44 Up-Front & Trailing Commissions Revenues Source:6/05 Financial Advisor; 6/05 Financial Planning; 5/30/05 Investment News; 4/18/05 Investment News; 1/17/05 Investment News; 6/04 Financial Planning; 6/04 Investment Advisor; 6/04 Financial Advisor; 4/5/04 Investment News; 1/19/04 Investment News; 12/15/03 Investment News; 6/03 Financial Planning; 6/03 On Wall Street; 6/03 Investment Advisor; 6/03 Financial Advisor; 5/03 Ticker; 1/27/03 Investment News; Tiburon Research & Analysis Brokers Xpress Revenues By Type Brokers Xpress Generates Nearly All of Its Revenues from Commissions, Consistent Since 2001 Fee-Accounts Revenues Hourly & Other Revenues
– Brokers Xpress © Tiburon Strategic Advisors, LLC™ 55 Source:6/05 Financial Advisor; 6/05 Financial Planning; 5/30/05 Investment News; 4/18/05 Investment News; 1/17/05 Investment News; 6/04 Financial Planning; 6/04 Investment Advisor; 6/04 Financial Advisor; 4/5/04 Investment News; 1/19/04 Investment News; 12/15/03 Investment News; 6/03 Financial Planning; 6/03 On Wall Street; 6/03 Investment Advisor; 6/03 Financial Advisor; 5/03 Ticker; 1/27/03 Investment News; Tiburon Research & Analysis Brokers Xpress Return on Assets Brokers Xpress Generates More 6.1% Return on Assets, Down from 9.0% in 2001
– Brokers Xpress © Tiburon Strategic Advisors, LLC™ 66 Mutual Funds Fee-Accounts Source:6/05 Financial Advisor; 6/05 Financial Planning; 5/30/05 Investment News; 4/18/05 Investment News; 1/17/05 Investment News; 6/04 Financial Planning; 6/04 Investment Advisor; 6/04 Financial Advisor; 4/5/04 Investment News; 1/19/04 Investment News; 12/15/03 Investment News; 6/03 Financial Planning; 6/03 On Wall Street; 6/03 Investment Advisor; 6/03 Financial Advisor; 5/03 Ticker; 1/27/03 Investment News; Tiburon Research & Analysis Brokers Xpress Revenues By Product Type Brokers Xpress Generates Less than One-Fifth of its Revenues from Mutual Funds and Fee-Accounts; Nearly All of the Firm’s Revenues are Generated from Individual Securities, Insurance, Limited Partnerships, & Other Products Annuities Individual Securities, Insurance, Limited Partnerships, & Other Products
– Brokers Xpress © Tiburon Strategic Advisors, LLC™ 77 Brokers Xpress Generates $15 Million Mutual Fund Revenues, Up from $4 Million in 2004 Brokers Xpress Mutual Fund Revenues ($ Millions) Source:6/05 Financial Advisor; 6/05 Financial Planning; 5/30/05 Investment News; 4/18/05 Investment News; 1/17/05 Investment News; 6/04 Financial Planning; 6/04 Investment Advisor; 6/04 Financial Advisor; 4/5/04 Investment News; 1/19/04 Investment News; 12/15/03 Investment News; 6/03 Financial Planning; 6/03 On Wall Street; 6/03 Investment Advisor; 6/03 Financial Advisor; 5/03 Ticker; 1/27/03 Investment News; Tiburon Research & Analysis
– Brokers Xpress © Tiburon Strategic Advisors, LLC™ 88 Source:6/05 Financial Advisor; 6/05 Financial Planning; 5/30/05 Investment News; 4/18/05 Investment News; 1/17/05 Investment News; 6/04 Financial Planning; 6/04 Investment Advisor; 6/04 Financial Advisor; 4/5/04 Investment News; 1/19/04 Investment News; 12/15/03 Investment News; 6/03 Financial Planning; 6/03 On Wall Street; 6/03 Investment Advisor; 6/03 Financial Advisor; 5/03 Ticker; 1/27/03 Investment News; Tiburon Research & Analysis Brokers Xpress Fee-Account Assets ($ Millions) Brokers Xpress Has Gathered $83 Million Fee-Account Assets, Up Steadily Since 2001
– Brokers Xpress © Tiburon Strategic Advisors, LLC™ 99 Brokers Xpress Generates $1 Million Fee-Accounts Revenues, Up Significantly Since 2001 Brokers Xpress Fee-Accounts Revenues ($ Millions) Source:6/05 Financial Advisor; 6/05 Financial Planning; 5/30/05 Investment News; 4/18/05 Investment News; 1/17/05 Investment News; 6/04 Financial Planning; 6/04 Investment Advisor; 6/04 Financial Advisor; 4/5/04 Investment News; 1/19/04 Investment News; 12/15/03 Investment News; 6/03 Financial Planning; 6/03 On Wall Street; 6/03 Investment Advisor; 6/03 Financial Advisor; 5/03 Ticker; 1/27/03 Investment News; Tiburon Research & Analysis
– Brokers Xpress © Tiburon Strategic Advisors, LLC™ 10 Do Not Utilize Fee-Accounts Source:6/05 Financial Advisor; 6/05 Financial Planning; 5/30/05 Investment News; 4/18/05 Investment News; 1/17/05 Investment News; 6/04 Financial Planning; 6/04 Investment Advisor; 6/04 Financial Advisor; 4/5/04 Investment News; 1/19/04 Investment News; 12/15/03 Investment News; 6/03 Financial Planning; 6/03 On Wall Street; 6/03 Investment Advisor; 6/03 Financial Advisor; 5/03 Ticker; 1/27/03 Investment News; Tiburon Research & Analysis Brokers Xpress Reps By Utilization of Fee-Accounts Brokers Xpress Has More than One-Quarter of its Reps Utilizing Fee-Accounts, Unchanged Since 2001 Utilize Fee-Accounts
– Brokers Xpress © Tiburon Strategic Advisors, LLC™ 11 Do Not Provide Services Through Own RIA Source:6/05 Financial Advisor; 6/05 Financial Planning; 5/30/05 Investment News; 4/18/05 Investment News; 1/17/05 Investment News; 6/04 Financial Planning; 6/04 Investment Advisor; 6/04 Financial Advisor; 4/5/04 Investment News; 1/19/04 Investment News; 12/15/03 Investment News; 6/03 Financial Planning; 6/03 On Wall Street; 6/03 Investment Advisor; 6/03 Financial Advisor; 5/03 Ticker; 1/27/03 Investment News; Tiburon Research & Analysis Brokers Xpress Reps By Propensity to Provide Services Through Their Own RIA Brokers Xpress Has all of its Reps Provide Services through their Own Registered Investment Advisor, Consistent Since 2001 Provide Services Through Own RIA
– Brokers Xpress © Tiburon Strategic Advisors, LLC™ 12 Brokers Xpress is Led by its CEO Blaine Schwartz Brokers Xpress Organizational Chart Source:Tiburon Research & Analysis Blaine Schwartz CEO --
– Brokers Xpress © Tiburon Strategic Advisors, LLC™ 13 Source:Tiburon Research & Analysis Tiburon Strategic Advisors Focus on corporate-level strategy -Serve senior executives only at financial services companies -Key services: market seminars, market research, & strategy consulting -Served over 350 corporate clients and completed over 1,500 projects since Host semi-annual CEO Summits, offer free weekly research releases, and offer free business benchmarking tools for all types of advisors Chip Roame background -McKinsey & Company -Charles Schwab & Company -Tiburon since 1998 Comments