9 v 2012Kavli IPMU1 Computational Astrophysics at the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology at Stanford Roger Blandford
High Performance KIPAC Truism that steadily increasing computational power has transformed science in general and astrophysics in particular High performance computing contributes to: –Simulation of complex physics under current paradigm –Optimization of telescope design –Exploration of model space –Data management, analysis, archiving and mining –Explanation of discoveries –Public dissemination of results Recent example of each type of computing 9 v 2012Kavli IPMU2
Simulation of Complex Physics under Current Paradigm Dark matter clumping in expanding universe Crucial for understanding: –Missing dwarfs problem –Direct detection of WIMPs –Indirect detection of -rays Abel, Hahn, Kaehler have implemented a new approach to dark matter simulations following trajectories in 6D phase space Testing and comparison with 3D results 9 v 2012Kavli IPMU3
Warm Dark Matter Simulation 9 v 2012Kavli IPMU4
Optimizing Telescope Design Telescopes are typically designed for both specific goals and discoveries e.g. LSST (2014 start?; 2020 operate?) –Dark energy through weak lensing –Light from distant star Deflected by intervening gravitational field Distorted by atmosphere Reflected by moving mirrors, refracted by thick lenses Detected and counted by noisy CCD Analyzed using new algorithms –Peterson, Chang, Bard… are building simulator 9 v 2012Kavli IPMU5 =>w(a)
LSST Simulation 9 v 2012Kavli IPMU6
Exploration of Model Space Complex physical processes have to be modeled phenomenologically to tease out empirical rules –e.g. how do we associate luminous galaxies with dark matter and gas distribution Busha,Wechsler, Kaehler adapt Bolshoi simulation and compare with Sloan survey –Visually indistinguishable –Compare measurable correlation functions Understand rules in terms of basic physics 9 v 2012Kavli IPMU7
Bolshoi-SDSS Comparison 9 v 2012Kavli IPMU8
Data Management, Analysis, Archiving and Mining Telescopes produce data challenges e.g. Dubois manages Fermi data pipeline –Event processing in 15 min –Alerts, triggers –1600 CPUs, 4PB disk, tapes –Back up on campus; 1200 CPU system in Lyon LSST –20 TB per night=>60 PB raw data, 15 PB for catalog –=>300PB data volume; >150 Tflops 9 v 2012Kavli IPMU9
GN HEASARC - - DELTA 7920H White Sands TDRSS SN S & Ku LAT Instrument Science Operations Center (SLAC) GBM Instrument Operations Center GRB Coordinates Network Telemetry 1 kbps - S Alerts Data, Command Loads Schedules Mission Operations Center (MOC) Fermi Science Support Center sec Fermi Spacecraft Large Area Telescope & GBM GPS Fermi MISSION ELEMENTS 9 v Kavli IPMU
Explanation of Discoveries Unexpected is expected in astronomy Many astrophysical phenomena have no credible (or many incredible) explanations e.g. X-ray quasi-periodic oscillations in stellar black hole systems ~ 300 Hz, 3:2? McKinney, Tchekhovskoy, RB simulated accretion onto black hole with strong field –3D RMHD, >10 6 m, geometries initial conditions –Efficient, quasi-stable jets, extract spin energy –Outflows, winds, Jet-Disk Oscillation –Relativistic radiative transfer underway 9 v 2012Kavli IPMU11
9 v 2012Kavli IPMU12
Public Dissemination of Results Education and Public Outreach is important part of KIPAC mission Staff, postdocs and students regularly present shows, lead tours, visit schools… Pierre Schwob Computing and Information Center hosts 3D theater and Hyperwall Analysis AND outreach New graphics, rendering tools, hardware –GPUs, suitcase system 9 v 2012Kavli IPMU13
Third Grade in 3D 9 v 2012Kavli IPMU14
Summary Truism that steadily increasing computational power has transformed science in general and astrophysics in particular High performance computing contributes to: –Simulation of complex physics under current paradigm –Optimization of telescope design –Exploration of model space –Data management, analysis, archiving and mining –Explanation of discoveries –Public dissemination of results Increasingly, these functions are combined in strongly coupled activities 9 v 2012Kavli IPMU15
Congratulations 9 v 2012Kavli IPMU16
Reionization (Alvarez et al) 9 v 2012Kavli IPMU17
Dark matter streams (Hahn et al) 9 v 2012Kavli IPMU18
Large scale structure (Abel et al) 9 v 2012Kavli IPMU19
Clusters (Wu et al) 9 v 2012Kavli IPMU20
Hyperwall (Adesanya…) 9 v 2012Kavli IPMU21