Enhancing Access to Mental Health Information in Northeastern Pennsylvania NN/LM MAR Outreach to Consumers Award Presented by: Joanne Muellenbach, MA, D-AHIP, Library Director, The Commonwealth Medical College, Scranton, PA 1
TCMC Founding Library Director at TCMC TCMC covers 16 counties, with regional campuses in Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and Williamsport Mental illness – identified as one of the top 10 health issues in our region 2
Announcement of NN/LM MAR Funding Met with Lackawanna County Library System librarians Identified a need for public library training on how to deal with patrons with mental health issues This project would align with the Pennsylvania Library Association initiative “PA Forward – Pennsylvania Libraries” 3
Major Accomplishments Two mental health workshops 60 participants, from public, academic and school libraries Information literacy “train-the-trainer” session Exhibit at TCMC Keystone Symposium on mental health 4
NEPA Mental Health Information LibGuide 5
NEPA Mental Health Information LibGuide Addiction and Substance Abuse Caregivers Children Medicine Hispanic / Latino LGBT Military / Veterans NEPA Area Resources Seniors Specific Diseases and Conditions Teens / Youth 6
Mental Health Titles 52 books and DVDs purchased Available to TCMC affiliates and to registered members of the Lackawanna County Library System 7
Evaluation Methods and Results Our Goals: To develop a better-trained group of librarians and public service professionals To increase awareness of mental health information, services and resources Pre-test & Post-test questionnaires 8
Pre-Test / Post-Test Questionnaire Analysis There were statistically significant results for the following topic areas: Health needs of the NEPA region TCMC Library’s consumer health titles, available through the online catalog of LCLS Library and mental health databases and websites NN/LM MAR Outreach to Consumers Award How to judge quality websites; and Benefits of NN/LM MAR membership 9
Psychiatry residency program Clinical models for integrating mental and behavioral health with primary care Expansion of training programs for other mental health providers Telepsychiatry Suicide prevention program TCMC Mental Health Initiative: Next Steps 10
$15,000 year-long funding to enhance access to mental health resources for health professionals in NEPA. Presentations and exhibits at: VCF Regional Campus meetings in October Lackawanna County Senior Health Fair on 9/26 Student Affairs event on 10/2 TCMC Grand Rounds on 10/9 Steamtown Health TCMC on 10/11 PMC Faculty Orientation on 10/20 Alzheimer’s Regional Conference on 11/11 Medical Library’s NN/LM MAR Outreach to Health Professionals Award 11
Closing Thoughts The Award strengthened our relationship with the LCLS librarians; we hope to collaborate with them again NEPA Mental Health Information LibGuide continues to be updated, and “hits” are steadily increasing Mental health titles – circulation is steadily increasing Author of article: Enhanced Access to Mental Health Information – A Multi-Type Library Collaboration, published in the Fall 2014 issue of the Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet Overall, the NN/LM MAR Award has been a wonderful experience! 12
Acknowledgements Erin Dunleavy, Assistant Director of Assessment, TCMC Karen Baker, Director, Office of Sponsored Programs, TCMC My co-investigators: Mary Garm, Bridget Conlogue, Susan Jeffery and Martina Soden The wonderful NN/LM MAR staff! This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Contract No. HHS-N C with the University of Pittsburgh, Health Sciences Library System. 13
Partnerships for Health Information and Mentoring Health Careers for a High School and Middle School Population Presented by: Debra Rand, MS, AHIP, Associate Dean for Library Services Saori Wendy Herman, MLIS, AHIP, Education and Liaison Librarian Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Contract No. HHS-N C with the University of Pittsburgh, Health Sciences Library System. Award period: May 2013-April 2014
Objectives To facilitate improved health literacy, the understanding of where to locate reliable health and health careers information, and the benefits of collaborating among health sciences librarians, medical students, and a local school district.
Methods A series of collaborative activities were held throughout the 2013/2014 school year including: Health Education Fair with a pre- and post-survey LibGuide on health resources was created to be placed on the high school library website. LibGuide Workshops led by the health sciences library staff for the school nurses, librarians, and health educators A post-survey was distributed to the attendees Case-based learning session for Health Careers students Visits to the health system
Results Increased awareness of online health resources LibGuide placed on high school library website School librarians have utilized MedlinePlus and other recommended resources in subsequent research projects Informal feedback from the Health Education Fair attendees, workshop participants, and medical school students indicated a positive and valuable learning experience The post-survey data for the Health Education Fair and the workshops were inconclusive due to the minimal response rate and lower than anticipated attendance at the fair Librarians published article in Hofstra University’s publication, Hofstra Horizons Poster presented at MLA ’14
The collaborative model for the Health Education Fair may be replicated at other local school districts Select the date and time for activities taking into account potential conflict by all participants as well as the challenge of working with medical student schedules Expand marketing activities throughout the local community Design alternative options for increasing evaluation response rates Lessons Learned
Contact Information Debra Rand, MS, AHIP Associate Dean for Library Services Saori Wendy Herman, MLIS, AHIP Education and Liaison Librarian
Supporting the Information Needs of Clarkson’s Health Sciences Programs Through Improved Technology Project Report Regan DeFranza, MLS Health Sciences Librarian This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Contract No. HHS-N C with the University of Pittsburgh, Health Sciences Library System.
Clarkson University Libraries Health Sciences Library
History The library was established in 2001 Originally served the PT students and faculty There was no librarian until 2009 The PA program was accredited in 2013 Journal room in old library
New role for the library The Library was charged with providing reference and instruction to the students in the expanded allied health programs
Library Intensive Programs Evidence-Based Medicine Physical Therapy Physician Assistant Occupational Therapy
Challenges Library collection needed weeding and updating Library policies needed to be developed Services of the library needed to be marketed Most of all computer workstation needed to be updated
Students working on one of few operating computer stations
This grant project provided Eight new computer workstations in the library, replacing an outdated computer lab A mobile workstation (laptop computer and projector) for teaching in multiple venues An interactive smart board to enhance student engagement.
Positive Outcomes
Library Promotion Campus-wide Wellness Fair Arts and Sciences Open House University Libraries Expo
The library is a key player…
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