Population and Population Change: 1970 to 2013 Population has declined steadily since 1970 – Highest population in 1975 at 8,535 – Lowest population in 2013 at 7,150 There were annual increases in population between 1993 and 1998 Since 1999, there have been only 2 years with modest population increases
Source: Annual Population Estimates, U.S. Census Bureau
Natural Change = Births - Deaths Births Peaked in 1952 with 253 births Declined until 1975, recorded a high point in 1982—171 births Declining steadily with a slight rebound in 2012 and 2013 Deaths Peaked in 1974 (111 deaths), with declines since 2004 Natural Change With the exception of a few years in the mid-1990s births have exceeded deaths
Source: Vital Statistics Reports, Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
Net Migration For most years there has been net outmigration From 1993 to 1998 there was a period of net inmigration Since 1993, there was only one year of net inmigration (2005)
Source: Vital Statistics Reports, Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services; Annual Population Estimates, U.S. Census Bureau
School Aged Children The estimates of the number of children aged 5 to 17 years are based solely on the accumulation of the number of births over a thirteen-year period. For example, the number of 5 to 17 year olds in 1963 would consist of the accumulation of the number of births from 1946 to Obviously, this does not account for mortality, nor does it adjust for the number of children who moved into or out of an area. The largest estimated number of school aged children was in 1964 (2,890) 1993 was another high point (1,831) Since 1993, the estimated number of children has been declining steadily with a projected number of 1,117 in 2018
Source: Vital Statistics Reports, Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
Age Distribution The next chart looks at the age distribution by dividing each 5-year age group for males and females by the county’s total population. For example, 3.3 percent of Pierce County’s population was males under the age of 5 years. The largest age groups were for the Baby Boom generation (45 to 64 years old). The smallest age group was for the Millennial generation (20 to 34 years old).
2010 Census of Population, U.S. Census Bureau
Population and Jobs Since 1969 jobs have grown while population has declined Jobs19693, , % increase Population19698, , % decrease
Source: US Bureau of Economic Analysis, Regional Economic Information System
Full and Part-time Jobs per 100 Persons The number of full and part-time jobs per 100 persons in Pierce County has grown steadily since 1969 but lags the Nebraska value.
Source: US Bureau of Economic Analysis, Regional Economic Information System
Per Capita Personal Income Averaged a little over 80% of US average since 1969 (US=100%) Generally less than Nebraska as a whole and nonmetropolitan Nebraska Higher than the national average in 2011 and 2012
Source: US Bureau of Economic Analysis, Regional Economic Information System