Every Woman Matters Every Woman Matters Melissa Leypoldt, RN, Program Director Jianping Daniels, PhD, Health Surveillance Specialist
African American Women Incidence Rate Ranks No.2
African American Women Mortality Rate Ranks No.1
Mammogram Rates in African American Women Are Significantly Lower Than White and Hispanic Women screening prevalence (BRFSS) Mammogram in Past 2 YearsALL WomenWhiteAA WomenHispanic N8,3427, % % CI
The Screening Rate by EWM for Program Eligible African American Women Is Almost Equivalent to That for White Women 40-64EWM Eligible at 225% FPLWomen screened in past two years NN%N% All Women294,13968, , White Women264,53755, , AA Women10,9494, ,
African American Women More Likely to be Diagnosed at an Earlier Stage When Enrolled in the Every Woman Matters Program.
The Ability of the Program to Enroll and Screen African American Women by Year. n=4,208n=5,221
The Number of African American Women Screened After 2001 Is Steadily Increasing
More than 90% of the State’s African American Women Reside in Douglas, Lancaster, and Sarpy Counties
Discussions Strategies that Make a Difference: Patient Navigation appears to impact enrollment, first time screening, and likelihood of returning for subsequent screens. Case Management appears to have impact on early diagnosis of breast cancer. Evidenced-based strategies for small media including direct mail, targeted community campaigns, tailored one to one peer programs such as the Witness Project appear to have an impact on enrollment into the program. How to Leverage Resources for Continued Proven Strategies Community Resources- providers, partners, women Financial Resources Identification of Community Strategies