10,000 HOURS TO MASTERY Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan LESSON 1 THE NATURE OF MASTERY
THE BLACK BELT The black belt is the symbol of mastery. It symbolizes that you are ready to begin the journey to mastery. It does not signify that you can fight. The black belt signifies that you have been transformed by the discipline and commitment required to attain that status.
FOSTERING MASTERY The fostering of mastery goes back to the ancient Hebrews. Paul taught Timothy to be a pastor. Joseph taught Jesus to be a carpenter. Question: Can you rise to the pinnacle of your own potential? It takes 10,000 hours of focused, consistent practice to achieve excellence at anything. Talent is not enough to become one of the elite in any pursuit.
FOSTERING MASTERY (CON’T) The brain is a marvelous machine notable for its plasticity. The ability for conscious mental intention to change the physical structure of the brain and thus enable new skills. Talent is like a rough diamond extracted from the ground. To be of value, talent must be polished. Our ability to reach mastery is dependent on circumstances that are out of our control: Time and place of birth, family income and the good fortune to be exposed to something at the right time.
FOSTERING MASTERY (CON’T) Mastery requires optimizing those factors that are in our control: Commitment. Sense of mission Work ethic Desire Time management Mastery can come at any age. The brain is a marvelous machine notable for its plasticity— The ability for conscious mental intention to change the physical structure of the brain and thus enable new skills.
MYTHS OF MASTERY Myth: mentors are accidental. Truth: Mentors abound around you if you seek them. Myth: Putting in the 10,000 hours is easier for the gifted. Truth: The gifted are more likely to get bored easily, but must persist anyway. Myth: Physical labor is needed to gain a skill. Truth: Training the brain works as well as training the hands.
MYTHS OF MASTERY (CON’T) Myth: Talent is cross-platform. Truth: Just because you have talent in one area does not mean you will master another. (ex. Michael Jordan) Myth: The development of mastery comes steadily. Truth: You will often make sudden leaps of insight or physical skill after long periods of slow learning.
THE THREE FACES OF MASTERY There are three faces of mastery. 1. AUTOMATIC: Complex actions become instinctive and independent of thought. 2. SYNERGISTIC: The understanding to create new and improved ways to practice your skill. 3. PEDAGOGIC. The insight, wisdom and humility to be able to teach what you have learned to others. Mastery is a matter of will, intention and commitment.
LIFE STAGES OF MASTERY You will be suited to different types of mastery at different times in your life. Youth : Mastery will be more physical and raw: sports, dance, martial arts. Middle Age : Mastery will be more intellectual: entrepreneurship, journalism, music, parenting. Elder : Mastery will be more spiritual: mentoring, ministry, healing, poetry, meditation.
SPIRITUAL MASTERY What is spiritual mastery? Spiritual mastery is excellence in abilities that center on the mind, consciousness and Spirit, such as prophecy, prayer, healing, preaching and teaching. Spiritual mastery is the most inward-directed of all types of mastery, the least visible. Spiritual mastery is centered more on personal transformation than flashy sports skills, the ability to play a Mozart piano concerto, or prodigious ability as an inventor.
SPIRITUAL MASTERY (CON’T) You will see the impact of spiritual mastery on others more than on yourself. The greatest power of all types of mastery lies in one thing: Inspiration. Mastery has the power to inspire others to pursue their own brand of mastery and so elevate all.
10,000 HOURS TO MASTERY Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan LESSON 1 THE NATURE OF MASTERY