BSoft’s Customer Comparison Report The information pipeline for your company’s customers’ spending Bringing you what you need.. when you need it!
Do you want to know your customers’ spending habits? Let BSoft help!!! BSoft’s Customer Comparison Report will provide you with a detailed picture of your customers’ spending habits. Let me show you how it works!!!! How much do they spend ? Is their spending increasing or decreasing? Do they have a spending pattern? Are they profitable?
BSoft’s Customer Comparison Report (CCR) Simply open CCR Choose the customer(s) All customers An individual customer An alphabetical range A category of customer Based on the categories established in Sage Business Works OR Customers based on sales rep As established in Business Works “Extra Filter” gives you the ability to select customers based on custom fields
BSoft’s Customer Comparison Report (CCR) Now, choose from three output options for your report Sales $$$$ Shows gross sales dollars by selected customer(s) Profit Shows markup revenue generated by sales of parts in OE Margin % Similar to “Profit,” expressed in percentage format
BSoft’s Customer Comparison Report (CCR) Choose data set Enter Company ID in year corresponding to that year’s data You may choose to use only your current operating file OR You may choose to include data from previous years (which are located in files with other Company ID’s) This feature is used when backups of the company are created in order to limit the amount of data in the current working file
BSoft’s Customer Comparison Report (CCR) Select your comparison period Year Provides yearly figures in “total” Quarter Provides quarterly totals Month Provides monthly totals Combined Provides the last 12 months And yearly totals
BSoft’s Customer Comparison Report (CCR) Select the report style Periodic Compares the selected periods to one another i.e. January 06, January 07, January 08, etc. Sequential Compares the selected period to the next period in the sequence selected i.e. January 06, February 06, March 06, etc.
BSoft’s Customer Comparison Report (CCR) Last, select “Count” The number of selected periods worth of data to include in the report Let’s see how it all works together!!
BSoft’s Customer Comparison Report (CCR) Example I want to see: All customers All categories For sales rep- Keith Outage In sales dollars On monthly basis In sequential order For the last 5 months (to date) RUN REPORT !!! Data matching the selected criteria is exported to an Excel workbook
“Amounts” – (1 st page of the report), displays the data you chose Gross sales dollars for Keith’s customers for the past consectutive 5 months, to date Monthly totals Customer average sale amount (calculated using number of months with sales activity) BSoft’s Customer Comparison Report (CCR) Example But that’s not all !!!
“Change” – (2 nd page of the report) Displays the percent change in sales from one month to the next In our example we see that sales to most of the customers are fluctuating both up and down However, sales to “Powers” are steadily declining and may require action BSoft’s Customer Comparison Report (CCR) Example There’s still more!!
“Rel to Avg” – (3 rd page of the report) Displays the activity (sales $) as a percentage of the “average sale” (calculated in “Amounts” page of report) In our example : Ken’s October sales to DOD Army were 59% greater than the average sale $ November sales to DOD Army were only 3% of the average sale of $ BSoft’s Customer Comparison Report (CCR) Example
BSoft’s Customer Comparison Report (CCR) Let this Report work for you! Three great sources of information Easy to read User friendly format Easily manipulated to gain even more information and insight into your customers spending WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT !!!
BSoft’s Customer Comparison Report Does It All Instant Access –Sales dollars by customer –Sales dollars by Sales Rep –Monthly, qaurterly, or yearly data –Gross sales $$, profit $$ (on OE parts only), or profit margin % Multiple Uses For Collected Information – Track customer sales patterns and profitabily –Track sales rep. production –Project income –And much much more Let our software work for you!!!
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