RANGE OF LEGAL COMPETENCE The regional education authority is in charge of public learning offer at all levels, except for University. That involves nearly 40% of curriculums designs and 100% of financial support for over 3000 schools and teachers, to cover a population of nearly 8 million. Particularly, “La DG de Formación Profesional y Educación Permanente” is in charge of VET and Longlife Learning public offer, involving about learners.
DG STUDIES COMPETENCE AND PUBLIC OFFER Vocational education and training : Acquiring knowledge as well as professional competence corresponding to a profession: learners. Level I (IVET) Level II ( Lower, aimed at obtaining a Certificate of EXPERT) Level III (Upper, aimed at obtaining a Certificate of ADVANCED EXPERT) Adult formal and non formal learning: learners. Formal courses leading to secondary and post-secondary official certificates. Non- formal courses to support official certificates and reinforce key competences (European Parliament and Commision document, december 2006). Public extraordinary test to access VET or official secondary and post- secondary certificates. Entrpreneurship programmes for all school levels. Face to face, blended and on-line learning public offer, to adapt to te citizens needs.
LEGAL BASIS AND MAIN ACTIONS New legal frame: flexible offer, pathways and access to official certificates. A National Education Law (LOE 2/2006). A Regional Education Law (LEA 17/2007). Validation of what is already known and passed in formal learning and recognition of non-formal learning (also certified). Creation of a regional nets (30) of LLL schools: coordination and search for education needs in each net. Bet for innovation and resources for schools, teachers and learners. Tecnical resources: high speed internet access, PCs, info websites and on-line LMS based on MOODLE. Didactic resources through the web: digital books and multimedia on- line content for both formal and non-formal learning. Teacher’s trainning courses on MOODLE based LMS and on-line learners tutoring and monitoring,
VET REGIONAL SYSTEM I About 1000 secondary schools. Access: IVET (inserted in SE with a proffesional profile for potential drop outs). VET level II (SEC or access exam). VET level III (upper SEC or access exam). Duration: hours, in 2 yearly courses. Organization: In professional modules, each of them corresponding to a Unit of Competence of the National Catalogue, that enables the trainee to develop a professional area. They have a theoretical-practical character and can be certified independently from the rest. Each year course will have between 10 and 15 modules aproximately, being the last one in the second year an apprenticeship period in a company. In-Company-Training (FCT) module (between 300 and 700 hours) is carried out in a real company, with a work program is agreed between the high school and the company.Trainees are asessed by a tutor from the company and a tutor from the school.
VET REGIONAL SYSTEM II Andalucia offers a total of 110 different degrees, organised in 22 professional families covering arket needs. Trainees must pass ALL modules (including FCT) in order to obtain the Certificate of Expert or the Diploma of Advanced expert. Both the Certificate and the Diploma have an academic and professional recognition. Suplements to the Diploma or certificates: Suplements to the Diploma or certificates: Detailed description of the qualification acquired by the holder of a vocational certificate. The skills and competences acquired by the holder of the certificate; The range of occupations accessible to the holder of the certificate; the awarding and accreditation bodies; the level of the certificate.
LLL SCHOOLS AND COURSES PUBLIC OFFER 667 adult primary schools (13 of the in prisons). Formal learning: literacy and primary for adults (mostly middle-aged and immigrants). Non- formal learning: Support for official extraordinary tests leading to access to VET and official certificates (+18, +20) and University (+25). Support courses to key competences at basic level: ICT. Entrepreneurship. Languages. Spanish for people from abroad. Health care and proffesional accidents prevention. Regional heritage and environment knowledge and awareness. 172 adult high schools. Secondary, post-secondary formal courses leading to official certificates, (2 yearly courses, with about 2000 hours training). 33 Language schools: blended and on-line English.
WHY LIFELONG LEARNING? I The EU is facing unparalled demographic changes that will have an impact in society and economy. Our population is growing old, jobs will be in the hands of adults and member states won’t have time for the youngters to catch up and be competitive.( “It’s never to late to learn”, 2006).The EU is facing unparalled demographic changes that will have an impact in society and economy. Our population is growing old, jobs will be in the hands of adults and member states won’t have time for the youngters to catch up and be competitive.( “It’s never to late to learn”, 2006). In this context, LONGLIFE LEARNING is getting a crucial importance as: In this context, LONGLIFE LEARNING is getting a crucial importance as: - It contributes to personal development and satisfaction - It contributes to personal development and satisfaction - Its effect improves the economy and society if: - Its effect improves the economy and society if:. It helps to increase the qualified workforce. It helps to increase the qualified workforce. It fits the labour market needs.. It fits the labour market needs. - Besides, it reinforces social abilities and personal self - Besides, it reinforces social abilities and personal self confidence. confidence.
WHY LIFELONG LEARNING? II By 2010, Europe is expected to become the most dynamic and competitive knowledge -based economy in the world, able to steadily grow with better jobs and social cohesión. (Lisbon Strategy 2000).By 2010, Europe is expected to become the most dynamic and competitive knowledge -based economy in the world, able to steadily grow with better jobs and social cohesión. (Lisbon Strategy 2000). How? EDUCATION and TRAINING is the key factor to be competitive in a globalised society full of countries with much lower labour costs. How? EDUCATION and TRAINING is the key factor to be competitive in a globalised society full of countries with much lower labour costs. What for? What for? - To easily change job and adapt to changes. - To easily change job and adapt to changes. - Be able to innovate and be competitive in tha field. - Be able to innovate and be competitive in tha field. - To become ENTREPRENEURS, able to self-employ - To become ENTREPRENEURS, able to self-employ
WHY LIFELONG LEARNING? III To reach those goals member states need : To reach those goals member states need : - To spread lifelong learning activities under flexible - To spread lifelong learning activities under flexible curriculums, learning paths and organisation. curriculums, learning paths and organisation. - Reinforce the flexibiliity of VET systems. - Reinforce the flexibiliity of VET systems. - Promote the recognition of adquired professional - Promote the recognition of adquired professional competencenon-formal learning. competence and non-formal learning. - Improve ICT and foreign language skills - Improve ICT and foreign language skills - Promote ENTREPRENEURSHIP. - Promote ENTREPRENEURSHIP.
ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE ANDALUSIAN EDUCATIVE SYSTEM. It’s included in the curriculum at all educative levels since school year , except primary, that begings in 2008.It’s included in the curriculum at all educative levels since school year , except primary, that begings in Primary and Secondary, as a transversal topic. ThePrimary and Secondary, as a transversal topic. The aim is to promote entrepreneur skills. aim is to promote entrepreneur skills. VET, as a core subject. The aim is learn to create VET, as a core subject. The aim is learn to create and manage associations and companies. and manage associations and companies. Adult education, as non formal learning courses Adult education, as non formal learning courses for those already in n business or interested in putting a business idea into practice. for those already in n business or interested in putting a business idea into practice. Several teaching materials have been developed,some of them to be used with the help of ICT.Several teaching materials have been developed,some of them to be used with the help of ICT. There’s a teacher training program and teachers guidesThere’s a teacher training program and teachers guides for each course. for each course.