br strateg i 1 transferring knowledge
br strateg i 2 Important: In order to turn easy the slides content understanding, for Br Strategy always divides the material into concepts and applications practices For that use the administration instrument 5W2H that means cover the 7 questions describing: What? (O que?, Qual é?); Why? Por que?); Who? (Quem?); Where? (Onde?) When? (Quando?) How? (Como?) How much? (Quanto?) suggestions to watch the slides : put the slide in the modulate slide show, clicking in the icon below the left or through the menu select Slide Show click in view show, to advance or come back the slides uses the arrows in your keyboard
br strateg i 3 According to a global 2006 study conducted by IBM and the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD), it is not a technology-enabled knowledge management solution that is garnering the most action. A full 60 percent of the surveyed organizations are using mentoring as a way of transferring knowledge, accounting for the most popular approach to passing information from maturing workers. According to a global 2006 study conducted by IBM and the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD), it is not a technology-enabled knowledge management solution that is garnering the most action. A full 60 percent of the surveyed organizations are using mentoring as a way of transferring knowledge, accounting for the most popular approach to passing information from maturing 2006 study conducted by IBM and the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD)global 2006 study conducted by IBM and the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) transferring knowledge
br strateg i 4 "Document/knowledge repositories" was the second most common method, with 46% percent of surveyed companies acknowledging that they had this technology enabled solution in place, followed by "mature workers used to deliver classroom content" at 30 percent. "Expert systems/artificial intelligence" was only being utilized in 3 percent of the respondent companies. "Document/knowledge repositories" was the second most common method, with 46% percent of surveyed companies acknowledging that they had this technology enabled solution in place, followed by "mature workers used to deliver classroom content" at 30 percent. "Expert systems/artificial intelligence" was only being utilized in 3 percent of the respondent companies. transferring knowledge
br strateg i 5 End of presentation The presented material will not be able to be reproduced by any electronic means all rights reserved and protected by the law 5988 from the 14/12/73 The presented material will not be able to be reproduced by any electronic means all rights reserved and protected by the law 5988 from the 14/12/73 Br Strategi code Br Strategi code Bibliography- IBM SURVEY Bibliography- transferring knowledge IBM SURVEY In case of doubts do not hesitate to contact us by the In case of doubts do not hesitate to contact us by the