Author of one of the best methods for the development of the mind is Dr Paul Dennison. He created methods that integrate actions and thoughts so they are ideal for the cooperation of the body and mind.
Exerises which will be shown below can be done during the lesson, or before it. They are relatively short, can be treated as relaxing, and simultaneosuly they help to develop the whole body, activate nervous system and rise the vital energy. These exercises can be modified according to the topic of the lesson. They also should be done during the day and we should do as many of them as we can.
1. Cross your straight arms in front of your chest in a way that the left arm is higher than the right arm. Then, change the position of the arms. 2. Touch your right elbow with palm of the left hand. Then, change the position. 3. Touch your right ear with left hand. 4. Do the same exercise, but this time touch the left knee with right hand. Due to these exercises you will correct your writing, reading styles as well as the comprehension. Also your breath will be stronger.
Cross your ankles, outstretch your hands in front of you and twist your palms so thumbs are down. Then, move one arm above the other one and join palms with the inner side keeping thumbs down. Cross your fingers, then bend the elbows and touch the chest with hands. Close your eyes, touch your palate with the tongue. Breath loosely. Keep that position for 2 minutes. After two mintes release the tongue and arms. This exercise increases attention, corrects hearing and improves writing tests.
In standing position outstretch your left arm in front of you, make a fist and point your thumb up. Then, draw horizontal digit 8 in the air and follow it with your eyes. Remember to keep your head still. Start the movemenet to the left and up. Next, do the same exercise with right hand, and then with both hands. This exercise corrects sight and reading comprehension.
Outstretch your left arm forward with your palm’s inner side down, lay your head on the outstretched arm, legs slightly bent, stand little astride. Draw big eights in the air. Then, straighten your body and change the arms. This exercise activates creative thinking.
Draw a few „lazy” eights in a large drawing pad, then write small letters of alphabet in them. Remember to start drawing to the left and up. This exercise has influence on creative writing, improves manual skills, precision of movements and enables coding and decoding symbols.
Lift your head up. Draw eights on the ceiling with your nose. This exercise improves writing and reading.
Sit on the floor, bent arms slightly behind you. Bent knees and lift your feet. Release the tension in one hip, then in the second one. In the meantime do slight leg movements. This exercise improves focusing and understanding.
Lift arms and head up, brace your head with hands and hold it. Touch your left knee with right elbow and the other way around. Breath steadily. This exercise helps in writing, reading, listening. It also improves mathematical skills.
Stand straight, move one leg backwards and on your toes. When on exhale, bent leg that is in front of you and simultaneously try to lay your other foot on the ground. Then, inhale and straighten your front leg. Lift the heel of your back leg. Your back leg should be straight. This exercise develops creative writing, listening for details, and it also improves the skills of clear speaking.
Grab and hold muscles of the shoulder with one hand, turn the head left and then right. Try to reach as far as you can when turning. This exercises improves attentive listening, perception and memory.
Stand up and cross your ankles, then bend the upper body forwards and outstretch your hands to the front of you. This exercise improves reading comprehension and abstract thinking.