Enabling air transport growth in the Asia Pacific region Oct 2014 Air Traffic Controllers’ Guild (India) Seminar, New Delhi
What is CANSO? CANSO, the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization is the global association of ANSPs Its members support over 85% of the world’s air traffic Currently 167 members – 87 ANSPs and 80 Associate Members. For the Asia Pacific region -19 ANSP members
50 years of Indian ATC This year the Air Traffic Controllers’ Guild (India) celebrates 50 years of its existence since its beginning in D. K. Behera President Air Traffic Controllers' Guild (India)
100 years of commercial aviation This year marks the centenary of the commercial aviation industry. On 1 January 1914, when Abram C. Pheil, former mayor of St. Petersburg, Florida became the world’s first fare- paying airline passenger, little would he know that 100 years and some 65 billion passengers later, air transport would play a leading role in shaping the lives of people all over the planet. Michael Gill ATAG Executive Director
100 years of commercial aviation Aviation Benefits Beyond Borders 2012 figures In 2013…. 3.1 billion air passengers 36.4 million commercial flights
Key Drivers of Growth Key drivers of the robust expansion of the region’s air transport market include steadily rising incomes, and rapid urbanisation of the very large populations in China and India, as well as the other dynamic Asian economies. According to Boeing, the Asia Pacific region will have the greatest demand for aircraft, with Asian airlines taking delivery of 11,500 aircraft over the next 20 years.
Region’s share of air passenger traffic Aviation Benefits Beyond Borders 2012 figures
Major challenges keeping capacity ahead of demand
Capacity Building ATM technology & infrastructure Qualified people Collaboration & Partnerships Well managed ANSPs
Implementing the ICAO ASBU
Growing demand for air traffic controllers
What is so peculiar about ATC? Difficulty in recruitment – highly specialised job, experience and skills not easily transferable Not just a matter of educational level and interest but having the right aptitude Long lead time to train and produce qualified personnel High attrition rate in training institutions and at OJT
Collaboration and Partnerships
ADS-B Collaboration over the South China Sea
ADS-B Collaboration over the Bay of Bengal
From individual performance to system performance airport nairport 1ansp nansp 1airline nairline 1
Well managed ANSPs – governance & business models ANSPs to operate as normal businesses Separation of regulation from service provision Focus on outputs rather than prescriptive inputs
ANSPs – a vital link in the aviation value chain 1 billion passengers 10 million flights 5.5% average annual growth rate over the next 20 years For the Asia Pacific region, air transport supports 24.2 million jobs and $516 billion in GDP. In 2012 there were: What will the future look like in the next chapter of aviation? Much will depend on whether the ANSPs here are able to deliver the capacity needed to unlock the full economic potential of the region.
Are we ready for the future? “Whilst it has taken us 100 years to serve 65 billion passengers, another 65 billion passengers will take flight in the next 15 years”. Michael Gill ATAG Executive Director Aviation Benefits Beyond Borders
CANSO Headquarters Transpolis Schiphol Airport Polaris Avenue 85e 2132 JH Hoofddorp the Netherlands tel: +31 (0) fax: +31 (0) Thank you!