Worcester H1N1 Task Force: established April 2009 David Clemons, Worcester Emergency Communication, Chair Appointed by City Manager Membership included representatives from: Worcester DPH Worcester Public Schools Worcester Police Worcester Fire U Mass EMS U Mass Div. of Disease Management Great Brook Valley Health Care Family Health Center St. Vincent Hospital City Manager’s Office Worcester Regional MRC
PURPOSE Review DPH and DESE guidance concerning H1N1 to coordinate surveillance and preventative measures Collaborate to articulate coherent media messages, Connect-Ed message and press releases Met daily, then weekly in the Spring and bi-weekly this fall Summer2009 Summer 2009 Smaller group (DPH, WPS, D. Clemons) met weekly for updates Worked collaboratively to develop surveillance, preventative measures Explore city-wide vaccination messaging and plans
WORCESTER PUBLIC SCHOOLS - Fall 2009 WORCESTER PUBLIC SCHOOLS - Fall 2009 Receive frequent updates from MA DPH and DESE through Superintendent’s Office and Nursing Office Participated in conference call with MA DPH and DESE on Wednesday, September 9 th for additional information and guidance H1N1 Task Force meets bi-weekly Focus on keeping schools open Focus on prevention strategies – education Isolate and send home students and staff who become sick at school CDC is not recommending H1N1 confirmation testing
Exclusion period 1.Must stay home for 24 hours after no fever and no fever-reducing medications. 2.Most can expect to stay home about 4 days: 3 with fever plus one more day 3.Fever with influenza can last 2-5 days or more
DPH/DESE Guidance H1N1 Symptoms: similar to normal human seasonal influenza ► Fever ► Coughing or sore throat ► Headache/body aches ► Runny or stuffy nose ► Chills ► Fatigue In addition to the above symptoms, a number of H1N1 flu cases reported vomiting and diarrhea.
Why the focus on schools? Confirmed Cases of H1N1 Influenza in MA, as of 9/3/ confirmed cases Median age 14 yrs 63% of confirmed cases ≤ 18 years 13% hospitalized 11 H1N1 attributable deaths 36 child deaths in US; 80% > age 5 Southern US now seeing increase in cases < Age Group in Years Percentage of confirmed cases Source: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Public Health
Education of WPS Staff, Students and Families Staff Education Reassure all staff that there is no need for special “disinfection” or “decontamination.” When respiratory secretions dry out, virus is no longer infectious. At full faculty meetings nurses presented information on H1N1 and all faculty reviewed DVD developed collaboratively by MTA, DPH and WPS which focused on pandemic and preventative measures. All teachers received the teacher fact sheet: Action Steps for Teachers to Prevent the Spread of Flu Cafeteria staff, bus drivers and monitors received similar training Custodial staff met with administrators and Coordinator of Custodial Staff & Maintenance Services to review building cleanliness guidelines with regard to H1N1: provide routine cleaning of “high touch surfaces” Nurses received DPH immunization training on August 31, 2009 Nurses will be test-fitted for N95 masks
Student Education Classroom teachers and nurses collaboratively planned and delivered lessons on coughing etiquette, appropriate hand washing and the importance of staying home when sick Health and physical education teachers will deliver lessons throughout October focused on preventative measures to stay healthy Coaches will deliver the same message to all athletes participating in fall and winter sports Schools are displaying prevention posters in key areas such as entrances, cafeterias and offices Allied Health class at Worcester Technical High School is focusing a Community Service Project on preschool lessons on H1N1 preventive measures
Family Education All families received H1N1 Action Steps for Parents to Protect Your Child and Family from Flu this School Year and Action Steps for Parents if School is Dismissed or Children are Sick and Must Stay Home. This information is also posted on our website. Reassure all families that there is no need for special “disinfection” or “decontamination.” When respiratory secretions dry out, virus is no longer infectious. A letter to parents was sent home the first week of school and is posted on our website A link to is posted on our website if parents want additional information
Surveillance SPRING 2009 Student dismissals due to Influenza-like illness (ILI) were monitored Collaborated with DPH, City Manager’s Office, Emergency Management concerning confirmed cases and messages to families FALL 2009 CDC, state and local DPH not requiring H1N1 confirmation testing H1N1 confirmation testing recommended for high-risk cases only (e.g. hospitalization) Student dismissals due to ILI are monitored Gathered and analyzed student and staff absences for and to monitor for possible increase in absences in 09-10
Materials Preparation SPRING 2009 Masks, gloves and Sani-Cloths HB germicidal disposable wipes were purchased and distributed through the nurses’ office FALL 2009 Sani-Cloths HB germicidal disposable wipes distributed Planning to deploy hand sanitizers in each school Donation of two touchless foam hand sanitizer dispensers for each school Partnering with DPH to access state-based funding
VACCINATION GUIDANCE H1N1 initial target groups as identified by the CDC: Pregnant women Household contacts/caregivers of infants < 6 months Children and young people, age 6 months to 24 years People age 25 to 64 with certain medical conditions Health care providers and emergency medical services personnel VACCINATION AS PROTECTIVE MEASURE: Seasonal flu vaccination is being recommended for children/young people between the ages of 6 months and 18 years old H1N1 flu vaccination is recommended for children/young people between the ages of 6 months and 24 years old Participation is voluntary WPS will partner with DPH and local health organizations to develop a coordinated plan for the administration of vaccine to school-age children and families
SCHOOL CLOSURE DECISIONS IN THE EVENT OF INCREASED SEVERITY OF CONDITIONS Primary goal is to keep schools open and functioning as usual Schools closure on case-by-case basis if influenza-like illness has impaired school’s ability to function School officials will collaborate with the Worcester Department of Public Health prior to final decision DPH will alert DESE and schools of increased severity of conditions
IN THE EVENT OF SCHOOL CLOSURE All school-related activities, sports events, etc. should be cancelled Discourage students from congregating elsewhere Duration of closure should be discussed with DPH Closures must be reported to DPH and DESE We will use parental and staff notification systems to inform of school status Exploring options to maintain student learning during recuperation and/or school closure