School reps briefing NUT/NASUWT joint industrial action 9 out of 10 teachers working together.
Teaching is the best job in the world teachers report getting enormous fulfillment from children’s learning but they feel unsupported and even attacked by Government teachers say too much of their work is “for accountability not learning”
Facts: teachers working 50+ hours per week half of all newly qualified teachers leaving in the first 5 years the Government says we must work to 68 to get a full pension the Government even contemplating allowing heads to cut your pay morale is now dangerously low….
Who cares about low morale? Chief Inspector Sir Michael Wilshaw says: “If someone tells you staff morale is at an all time low then you are doing something right.” TES January 2012
What can be done? NUT/NASUWT have demanded Government act at national level our campaign is to force them to act but if they won’t act nationally to limit workload and reform accountability, then we will insist on those policies in schools and plan for joint national strike action
Action starts 3 October following a legal ballot NUT action short of strike starts 3 October the action applies in all LA, voluntary aided/voluntary controlled and academy schools in England, all LA and voluntary aided/controlled schools in Wales and all 6 th form colleges (exceptions are schools which opened since the ballot) A list of all schools/colleges where we have balloted is
Some points on the action instructions their implementation is meant to reduce workload they are not about withdrawing from voluntary sports, music etc they are about building teacher professionalism – by demanding trust ( don’t treat us all as though we are on capability!). we do want members to “own” the action. some of them are intentionally drawn very wide – for you to use.
Resources for reps Phase one action short of strike instructions guidance on action short of strike action for England, Wales and sixth form colleges at Wales and sixth form colleges Joint observation protocol / appraisal checklist protocol for England and WalesEnglandWales checklist for England and WalesEnglandWales All available at All these documents have been sent to you by post
Resources for reps 2 extensive FAQs on the website if you have any questions or concerns please contact your division/association secretary or ring your regional/Wales office contact details can be found at talk to other reps in your area
Steps for reps to take 1. talk to the NASUWT rep (if there is one) 2. call a meeting of members 3. go to see the head 4. report back to members 5. contact association/division if you need support 6. reassure members that union support is strong More details will follow
Step 1 – talk to NASUWT/NUT you should meet with the NASUWT rep in your school (if there is one) to talk through the sanctions and about how to manage the other steps if no NASUWT rep – feel free to talk to another trusted NASUWT colleague
Step 2 – call a union meeting try to create a sense of members’ ownership of this action. The best way is to hold a meeting to talk through the instructions and how to approach them in your school. their effectiveness depends upon every member participating. Some members may feel more confident about some of the instructions than others and it is important for that discussion to take place in order to encourage maximum participation.
Step 3 – talk to the head following a meeting of members, it is important that you and the NASUWT rep should meet your head. In that meeting you should tell them that members intend to follow the instructions from their national union you should ask them not to approach members individually about this, but to discuss any problems with you. If you need help your local association/division will be pleased to help you
Step 3 – talk to the head (cont.) it may be possible to address concerns direct with your head rather than members feeling in conflict with them once heads discover the strength of feeling around an issue, many will seek to come to an agreement this can help change the dynamics of a school in ways that will be beneficial beyond the current dispute
Step 3 – talk to the head (cont.) many heads resent the downward pressure from the Government that our actions are aimed at and may support the action our dispute is with the Secretary of State and if your head teacher is supportive of the action you could ask them to let their feelings be known to their union or to the Department for Education or Secretary of State
Step 4 – report back to members tell colleagues about your meeting with the head some colleagues may come under pressure not to take part in the action to counter these pressures you should try to ensure that there are regular meetings or discussions with members to talk through any issues and the effectiveness of the action in your school
Step 5 – do you need support? if there any difficulties the NUT will provide support and come to meet with your head both unions are prepared to move to strike action in schools if there is a refusal to adopt the sort of policies we are demanding at a national level this possibility should be discussed with members so that they see a clear path to resolve any difficulties, and also the head should be made aware that strike action is a possibility you must discuss with your division/association secretary if you think strike action is going to be necessary
Step 6 – reassure members together NUT and NASUWT represent 9 out of 10 teachers following our legal ballot the trade union legislation allows us to choose types of industrial action that seem to us to be appropriate to further our dispute with the Secretary of State/Wales Minister – this includes the action short of strike and, for example, if a school insists on an observation protocol which requires more than 3 observations then we would be prepared to move to strike action – under the terms of our current ballot
Build union & professional strength the most effective way of ensuring teacher professionalism is respected and that our students get the best education is to ensure that our collective voice is listened to we need to ensure we are organized in every school. You should use this campaign to try and engage more members in union activity When we work together we can make a difference!
My school doesn’t ask us to do these things. How can I support the action? tell your association secretary – who can tell other schools. A good example can go a long way offer to go to meet teachers at other schools – so they hear first hand that some schools are different
Thanks thanks for all your hard work as school representative please keep asking new teachers to join: if there is no rep in your school – please elect one and let us know here: