Safe Food in ACP
Shortly… Lead by COLEACP, CONSORTIUM with : Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire (ANSES, France); Centre de coopération International en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD, France); Ecole Nationale des Services Vétérinaires (ENSV, France) ; France Vétérinaire International (FVI, France) ; Food and Environment Research Agency (FERA, Grande Bretagne) ; Direction Générale de l'Alimentation (DGAl, France) ; National Food Institute/Technical University (NFI/DTU, Danemark) ; Natural Resources Institute (NRI, Grande Bretagne) Budget 30 million Euros - 4 years ( ) Funded by EU on behalf of the ACP States Group
Why? Minimize impact of regulations on food safety on ACP export to EU Duty of technical assistance (Cotonou Agreement, SPS Agreement, Regulation 882/2004 …) Risk of loss of trust among EU distributors towards ACP products ☞ Prevent a negative socio-economic impact in ACP countries (poverty alleviation)
Objectives? Reassure European health authorities on the quality of SPS controls in the country of origin (principle of equivalence) EDES helps ACP countries to reinforce their «national (or regional) Food Safety system » How ? Assisting the implementation of a Food Safety Policy Setting up tailored, sustainable and economically viable systems in ACP Building a scalable system in order to adapt to new problems in the long term
National food safety system Communication Assessment Management Transparency Independence Continuous improvement Information flows
EDES Interventions ? EDES is active at two levels: Authorities, to help them define a food safety policy Other stakeholders, to set up tailored, sustainable and economically viable systems in ACP
Food safety system : stakeholders Any actor/operator with a responsibility in the process Public Services: supervision and management Private Operators (Prof. Associations….) : self-monitoring Independent Experts: advice and scientific validation Public & Private Service Providers: capacity building EDES beneficiaries:
EDES : Methodology
Methods 1. Integrated approach : consistent actions at each national level 2. Commitment from ACP Authorities and other beneficiaries close collaboration private/public sectors private sector plays its part in risk management (self-monitoring, traceability, risk control in businesses)
Methods 3. Highly sustainable actions Reinforce local capacity for the implementation and maintenance of actions 4. Beneficiary-led Strong commitment of requesting ACP countries and private sector professional associations in ACP
Action scope of the programme Governance on food safety Official controls Best practices in businesses Laboratories Risk assessment Risk communication
Programme entry points: Beneficiaries Supervisory Bodies Competent Authorities Official Control Services Small Producer Associations Laboratories Technico-scientific Experts Independent Control Services Consultation Committees Local Standardization Committees and Organizations Private sector Public sector Professional Associations
Type of support Diagnosis and needs analysis Dialogue facilitation between public and private sectors Technical and management training Technical support / development of good practices Laboratory twinning Help the development of expert networks (national/international) Support to the preparation and circulation of information
Support sample: Risk asessment Actors Supervisory Authority Ministry/ Agency Independant scientific assessor Roles Food safety policy Implementation of assessment Risk assessment Advice to Authorities Reinforcement objectives Definition of Food safety policy with stakeholders Management of assessment activities - Identify & assess risks - Prepare reporting to stakeholders -Opinions on regulation - Define the result indicators Support Training Facilitation Training Technical assistance Training Coaching Training
EDES : Sequence of Actions
Cocoa in Ghana : EDES - supports Training and technical assistance Up dating regulations (Supervisory Authority) Procedures for evaluation / registration Plant Protection Product (Competent Authority) Self-monitoring - with Competent Authorities & Professional Associations : design, drafting & implementation ToT / Extension for small scalers (Safe use of Pesticides / Crop Protection / Hygiene / Tracability)
Diagnosis/ Need assmt Diagnosis/ Need assmt Country request Workshop with food safety stakeholders Letter of intent from supervisory bodies National framework agreement MoA Field actions
EDES PROGRAMME c/o COLEACP 130, rue du Trône / 1 B Bruxelles – BELGIUM Tél Fax Web :