Rally ‘round the Flag Effect Milburn Psychology 335
Rally ‘round the Flag effect Conditions necessary for it to occur Halo effect Methodological aspect Limits on the effect
Necessary Conditions Crisis Remote from public’s normal experience Government (President) controlling information Decisive military action
Rally ‘round the Flag effect Conditions necessary for it to occur Halo effect Methodological aspect: Limits on the effect
Halo Effect Thorndike (1920)—perceptions correlated Increased support for President is Rally effect Increased support for other (even non- military) issues is halo effect
Rally ‘round the Flag effect Conditions necessary for it to occur Halo effect Methodological aspect: Need to be careful in interpreting results of a poll—you need to consider the context in which a poll is taken [situational effect] Limits on the effect
Rally ‘round the Flag effect Conditions necessary for it to occur Halo effect Methodological aspect: Limits on the effect
Limits--Edelman Time limited President must have control over information with which to arouse us Actions he takes [through language and management of political setting] must reassure that his team is in charge Must be remote from normal life—when public has access to information not controlled by presidents, “rallies” less effective in shaping opinion
Gallup Poll Results "Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president?" US Invasion of Iraq 9/11 Oct 02—US invades Afghanistan