1 Pertemuan 25 Contingency Planning Matakuliah:A0334/Pengendalian Lingkungan Online Tahun: 2005 Versi: 1/1.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Pertemuan 25 Contingency Planning Matakuliah:A0334/Pengendalian Lingkungan Online Tahun: 2005 Versi: 1/1

2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Mahasiswa dapat menunjukkan hubungan antara Contingency planning dan crisis management

3 Outline Materi Crisis Management

4 Over the years we have helped many organisations in the UK, US and Europe to create train and test their own ‘crisis teams’ and have realised that there are a few important points that should always be borne in mind.

5 When you are analysing data and researching the best option on how to prepare, always remember to ‘keep your eye on the ball’ and not let the project ge hijacked by something else.

6 Your own suppliers may cause you to have a crisis.

7 Getting board-level agreement is not enough.

8 Make sure that crisis management becomes a truly operational tool and not just a reference whose purpose is to reassure everyone when things are calm.

9 Avoid lack of motivation and inspiration.

10 Manage your risks properly and recognise that the key to successful crisis management is to realise that containing a crisis is more effective than recovering from a disaster.

11 When setting up any measurement criteria, seek out what is important and then work out how to measure it.

12 The truth is that almost all crises follow a path from normality to possible disaster.

13 Crisis management can recognise and interrupt this if applied diligently and on time.

14 In the case of a bomb explosion without warning, this path will be sudden; but such a scenario is a exception, as many incidents can be termed ‘quiet catastrophes’ that build up, often unnoticed (small errors that are not checked soon become big problems).

15 This can include scenarios such as power failure, intermittent system faults, road closures, sabotage, protestors, corrupt data, or building-related issues such as faulty air conditioning.

16 Sometimes organisations have first been alerted to a crisis because the press called to tell them – in which case they might already be halfway down the path to disaster where trying to take the ‘media high ground’ is even more imperative.

17 Indeed, the issue of presentation and media image is so important that we have seen some companies ultimately fail even though their efforts on site were as good as they could be, but they somehow failed to give the right message to the world’s media.

18 When speaking to the press, try and avoid the five d’s: –Denying everything –Doing nothing –Diverting to someone else –Diminishing the incident –Drip-feeding at your own pace

19 It is often the case that organisations have not necessarily taken the wrong actions in terms of crisis management but probably took the right ones too late – by which time the crisis itself sets the pace and you might end up following events rather than getting in front and stopping the spread.

20 By calculating an assessment of the crisis situation and its likely development – coupled with what should be the ideal reaction to control, contain and resolve it – it is possible to draw a basic model to illustrate the point that few crises instantly jump from normality to disaster.

21 It is therefore possible to assess the impact of the crisis and its likely rise/fall, and then link this directly to the best reaction to contain it, reassure stakeholders, and so on.

22 In this way a crisis management structure can quickly be set up, but populated only according to present and anticipated requirements.

23 But setting all this out in a few pages may ignore a particularly vital feature.

24 Unfortunately, too many crisis planners often overlook human emotion.

25 The End