Fascinating book that fills with awe Four horsemen Dragon & beasts The Lamb of God.


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Presentation transcript:

Fascinating book that fills with awe Four horsemen Dragon & beasts The Lamb of God

Souls benefit from a study of Revelation Steer us away from sin Give us hope in persecution Reassure us that Christ will conquer

These events will shortly take place, 1:1-3 Read Hear Keep

Key “characters” introduced, 1:4-8 Seven churches The Father The Holy Spirit, cf. Zech. 3:9; 4:6, 10 The Christ -Faithful witness, Jn. 8:14 -Firstborn from the dead, 1 Cor. 15: Ruler over kings, 1 Tim. 6:15 -Loved us, Jn. 3:16

Key “characters” introduced, 1:4-8 Seven churches The Father The Holy Spirit, cf. Zech. 3:9; 4:6, 10 The Christ -Washed away sins, Acts 22:16 -Made us kings/kingdom, Col. 1:13 -Made us priests, 1 Pt. 2:19 -Coming with clouds, Acts 1:9-11; Isa. 19:1; Eze. 30:3; 34:12; Mt. 24:30

Christ is portrayed with great majesty, 1:9-20 John on Patmos In the Spirit, cf. 2 Cor. 12:1-6 The Lord’s Day, Mt. 28:1; Acts 2:1; 1 Cor. 16:1, 2 Message for the seven churches.

Christ is portrayed with great majesty, 1:9-20 Son of Man, 1:12-16; Mt. 9:6 -Clothed: Priestly -White hair: Holy -Eyes: Penetrating -Feet: Crushing

Christ is portrayed with great majesty, 1:9-20 Son of Man, 1:12-16; Mt. 9:6 -Voice: Overwhelming -Sword: Judgment -Shining: Majesty

Christ is portrayed with great majesty, 1:9-20 Awe & terror Christ speaks -Victorious -Power -Angels -Churches

Interesting points about the letters Representative of all churches No collective organization Publicly addressed

Interesting points about the letters Pattern -Addressee -I.D. of Christ -“I know” -Good -Bad -Warning, Exhortation -Promise

Ephesus, 2:1-7 Smyrna, 2:8-11 Pergamos, 2:12-17 Thyatira, 2:18-29 Sardis, 3:1-6 Philadelphia, 3:7-13 Laodicea, 3:14-22

Fascinating book that fills with awe Four horsemen Dragon & beasts The Lamb of God

Souls benefit from a study of Revelation Steer us away from sin Give us hope in persecution Reassure us that Christ will conquer