Interdisciplinary Writing Unit Kathie Horak READ7140 Summer 2005
11 th Grade Content Area Social Studies Modes of Writing Persuasive and Narrative
Persuasive Writing - Convince a reader that the writer’s opinion about a topic is correct or is at least a valid one among many. - Blasingame (2005)
Why Write Persuasively? -We are surrounded by various forms of persuasion *advertising *politics *letters *business propositions
3 Ways to Persuade Based on Reason – using logical arguments Appeal to Character – Do I trust the person trying to convince me? Appeal to Emotions – How important is this issue to me?
Types of Persuasive Writing Posters Letters Essays Advertisements and Commercials
Georgia Requirements for Graduation -Student must be able to write a persuasive document using the writing method.
Focus of this Unit Persuasive Essay
To write an effective persuasive essay the writer must Do some background research Choose a point of view Be able to support that point of view
Getting Started Get the student’s interest Give reasons for writing persuasive essay Discuss ways we are exposed to persuasive writing every day.
Preassessment Have students write a story about someone they know. Reassure them this will not be graded. Do not give the students any assistance.
Writing Process Prewriting Drafting Revising Editing Publishing
Prewriting ( Probably the most important) Planning your essay Graphic organizer Model graphic organizer Practice activity Fill out with class Whole group
PERSUASIVE PLANNING SHEET Name: _________________________________Date: ______________ Paragraph One: Introduction Introductory Statement: ___________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Background Information: __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Main Transition Sentence to Bodies (State your opinions and three reasons): ________ ________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph Two: Body 1 Topic Sentence: __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Support one: ____________________________________________________________ Example: _______________________________________________________________ Support two: ____________________________________________________________ Example: _______________________________________________________________ Support three: ___________________________________________________________ Example: _______________________________________________________________ Closing/Transition Sentence: _______________________________________________ Paragraph Three: Body 2 Topic Sentence: __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Support one: ____________________________________________________________ Example: _______________________________________________________________ Support two: ____________________________________________________________ Example: _______________________________________________________________ Support three: ___________________________________________________________ Example: _______________________________________________________________ Closing/Transition Sentence: _______________________________________________
Paragraph Four: Body 3 Topic Sentence: __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Support one: ____________________________________________________________ Example: _______________________________________________________________ Support two: ____________________________________________________________ Example: _______________________________________________________________ Support three: ___________________________________________________________ Example: _______________________________________________________________ Closing/Transition Sentence: _______________________________________________ Paragraph Five: Rebuttal Topic Sentence: __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Objection one: ___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Rebuttal: _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Objection two: ___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Rebuttal: _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Objection three: __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Rebuttal: _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Closing sentence: ________________________________________________________ Paragraph Six: Conclusion Restatement of Opinion: ___________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Powerful Ending: ________________________________________________________
PERSUASIVE PLANNING SHEET Name: _______K Horak________________Date: ______________ Paragraph One: Introduction Introductory Statement: ___During a difficult time in the history of this nation, a group of men came together to develop a plan for a new government____________ Background Information: ___Men from all over the country, as it was back then, gathered to decide whether or not to approve the new US Constitution. There were many arguments, pro and con for it’s ratification. _____________ Main Transition Sentence to Bodies (State your opinions and three reasons): __It should be ratified; ineffectiveness of Articles of Confederation, need to strong central government, strengthen world trading.__ Paragraph Two: Body 1 Topic Sentence: _________Articles of Confederation ineffective___________ Support one: ___articles were not adhered to by all________ Example: ____states did not recognize the laws______ Support two: __no way to enforce Articles of Confed.__________ Example: __states did what they wanted_____ Support three: __set up tax system__________ Example: _set rules for how taxes collected/by who______ Closing/Transition Sentence: _______________________________________________ Paragraph Three: Body 2 Topic Sentence: ______need for strong central gov’t_______________________ Support one: __bring all the states together_______________________________ Example: __make decisions as a united country____________________________ Support two: ___needed for mobilizing for self defense_____________________ Example: __some way to activate a national army__________________________ Support three: __one leader to be in charge_______________________________ Example: __everyone on the same page__________________________________ Closing/Transition Sentence: _______________________________________________
Paragraph Four: Body 3 Topic Sentence: ____better trading with rest of the world___________________ Support one: __more bargaining power on exports________________________ Example: __get better price for raw materials____________________________ Support two: ____more bargaining power on imports______________________ Example: __get better price on manuf. items_____________________________ Support three: ___more variety of goods available________________________ Example: ____bring in and send out fruits and vegetables______________________ Closing/Transition Sentence: _______________________________________________ Paragraph Five: Rebuttal Topic Sentence: _______some arguments against ratification______________________ Objection one: _______just got rid of tyrant king______________________________ Rebuttal: ____this would not be a monarchy__________________________________ Objection two: ___states would lose right to govern themselves___________________ Rebuttal: ____states rights would be protected________________________________ Objection three: ____states with more slaves will get better representation___________ Rebuttal: ___a plan for how states will be represented__________________________ Closing sentence: ________________________________________________________ Paragraph Six: Conclusion Restatement of Opinion: ___________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Powerful Ending: ________________________________________________________
Drafting Putting ideas into sentences Model with students the thought process Practice activity Conference with students
Revising Refining Reading with partner Improving your writing Word choices Checking for clear thoughts Group strong English speakers with linguistically diverse students Pair girls/boys to compliment writing style
Editing Checking for errors Check with a partner Use editing checklist Allow students to use computers Group in pairs or editing groups Proofreaders marks
Editor’s Checklist Author Editor __________ This piece has been checked for spelling errors. __________This piece has been checked for punctuation errors. __________This piece has been checked for sentence fragments. __________This piece has been checked for run on sentences. __________This piece has been checked for capitalization errors.
Publishing Final product Encourage creativity Share final product
Assessment Scoring guide Give to student before beginning unit
Grouping Grouping will vary for each stage of the writing process. For prewriting – use whole group and small group For drafting – individual with some teacher conferencing For revising – peer tutors, girl/boy, strong english speaker/linguistically challenged Editing – in pairs and/or small groups Publishing – variety of ways to group
Accommodations Accommodations will vary with each stage of the writing process. Allow students to use the computers Allow student to have a copy of teachers graphic organizer Allow students to type for other students Allow student to read another student’s published piece. Each unit also includes a link for teachers to access for more possible accommodations.
Narrative Writing Telling a Story
A Good Narrative Needs –Characters –Setting –Events –Reasons –Beginning, Middle and Ending
-Focus of this Unit- Narrative Essay Fictional essay based On historical facts
Preassessment Students write a story about someone they know Do not give students any suggestions or help Reassure students this will not be graded
Prewriting Story Outline Model outline for students Practice activity
Story Map Title________________________________________________________ Setting______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Characters and descriptions of them ________________________ >>>>>>>>______________________ _________________________>>>>>>>______________________ Situation ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Event #1_________________________________________________________ Detail_____________________________________________________ Event #2_________________________________________________________ Detail______________________________________________________ Event #3_________________________________________________________ Detail______________________________________________________ Conclusion ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
Drafting -Putting ideas into complete sentences -Use descriptions
Revising Reading essay with a partner Checking for word choices Clear descriptions Group girl/boy to complement writing styles Allow students to insert colloquialism to make writing more authentic
Editing Use editors checklist Use proofreaders marks Check in pairs Allow students to use computers
Publishing Final Product Encourage creativity Encourage students to share published work Allow English speaking student to read essay of ESL student for them.
Assessment Scoring guide Provide to student prior to beginning unit To be filled out as the writing progresses
References Blasingame, J. and Bushman, J.H. (2005). Teaching Writing in Middle and Secondary Schools. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Tompkins, G.E. (2004). Teaching Writing; Balancing Process and Product (4 th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.