Safeguarding INSET Contributed by Emma Drag All resources in the "Safeguarding Resources" section of our resource bank have been submitted by delegates on our Level 2 Safeguarding Online courses. For more information about this practical, self-paced course, please visit and
Safeguarding INSET [INSERT DATE] Emma Drag
Aims of session: To understand the meaning of Safeguarding. To know the definition of abuse and the signs. To understand ‘Child protection’. To know the up-to-date procedure of reporting.
What is ‘Safeguarding’? Discuss…
The ‘Safeguarding Triangle’ Learner voice
Every Child Matters (ECM) Be healthy Make a positive contribution. Enjoy and achieve. Stay safe. Achieve economic wellbeing.
Safeguarding… (Guidance under Children’s Acts 1989 and 2004) Protecting children from maltreatment. Preventing impairment of children’s health or development. Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care. Undertaking that role so as to enable those children to have optimum life chances.
Child Protection A child is anyone not yet reached their 18 th birthday. Providing a safe environment for children to learn. Identify children who are suffering or likely to suffer harm – take appropriate action to make sure they are kept safe both at home and in school.
What is abuse? Areas of abuse: 1.Physical, 2.Emotional, 3.Neglect, and 4.Sexual. In groups, think of 5 signs or indicators of each.
Indicators of abuse Recognise the signs/indicators: abuse may have occurred or maybe likely to occur or individual is at risk. Ensure this knowledge informs a decision on the action to take. Cluster of signs are more important as individual signs are difficult to judge. Recognise patterns of reoccurring incidents. Signs and symptoms may relate to more than one category. List of signs are endless. There maybe signs which are not on the list!
Reporting (Disclosure) When a member of staff raises a concern or a pupil approaches a member of staff: Stay calm and reassuring; Listen; Confirm in a positive manner; Avoid asking leading questions; Reflect on what the person has said rather than asking questions; Avoid interruption; Reassure pupil and avoid blame. Inform pupil you have a professional responsibility to share.
Reporting (Disclosure) INSERT here staff contact name and school procedure for handling a disclosure. INSERT CPLO name and at what point this person is contacted. Action: To have a central ‘Keep an eye on book’ for all staff to be up dated with incidents people need to be aware of – such as emotions of a pupil which may impact learning or attitude on the playground.