CE 101 Unit 8 Seminar
Learning Outcomes After completing this unit, you should be able to: Explain how to recognize signs of child abuse and neglect. Explain how to act as an advocate for children and their families.
Advocacy and Critical Issues In this unit, you will review advocacy efforts on behalf of children and their families for the specific purpose of protecting children from abuse and neglect. You will read about how child abuse can be recognized and prevented. You will also discuss your responsibilities for keeping children protected as an Early Childhood Care Professional, and how to report child abuse in your state.
We have a BIG job! The work of a childcare professional is never done! There is so much more to caring for children than what most people do each day. There are too many of children in our cities, state, and country that are: homeless, hungry, unhealthy, abused and or neglected. Children are unable to defend themselves, so we must act on their behalf. Do you agree?
Please share! What does the term advocacy mean? Children need advocates to speak for them and their families on many issues, can you list a few? Public policy makers at the local, state, and national level need to hear from those who speak out for those that cannot. Do you agree? Professional childcare providers and teachers are advocates for children. They dedicate themselves to providing a better future for our children.
Your Thoughts! What is your thought on the following statement? Professional childcare providers and teachers are advocates for children. They dedicate themselves to providing a better future for our children.
Abuse The willful infliction by a caregiver of physical pain or injury, or the willful deprivation of services necessary to the physical safety of an individual. Emotional, physical, sexual, psychological wer_point_presentation.pdf
Facts about Abuse 80% OF CHILD ABUSERS ARE People that the child knows, such as PARENTS OR OTHER RELATIVES 1 out of 3 girls are sexually abused before they reach age 18 1 out of 5 boys will be sexually abused before they reach age 18 Utah Education Network (2003)
Risk Factors Child and parent do not match or mix well (emotional or developmental disabilities) Parent experiencing stress Lack of community support (child care or medical care) Utah Education Network (2003)
Characteristics that may contribute to an increase the risk of abuse from a parent Abused as child Belief in corporal discipline May have spouse violence Belief that father should dominate Low self-esteem Unrealistic expectations of children Role reversal, uses child to gratify their needs Unconcerned about seriousness of abuse Utah Education Network (2003)
What do you think? Is it abuse? A girl is slapped for screaming at her mother; the slap stings, but leaves no lasting mark or pain. A boy is punished in a way that requires stitches. A father burns his daughter’s palms with a lighted cigarette when he finds her smoking. A mother is careless and spills scalding coffee on her daughter, who is seriously burned. A boy’s arm is broken after wrestling with his father for sport. Utah Education Network (2003)
What do you think? Is it abuse? A girl is spanked so hard she is badly bruised, but the father says he did not mean to hurt her. A boy is grounded for a week for a minor offense. A father takes away his son’s driver’s license for getting a parking ticket. A young mother was asked to get help and get off drugs but her baby was born addicted to drugs. Utah Education Network (2003)
Neglect Failure of guardians to provide needed, age appropriate care. Including food, clothing, shelter, protection from harm, supervision appropriate to the child’s development, hygiene, and medical care. What to look for: Hunger Poor hygiene Excessive sleepiness Lack of appropriate supervision Unattended physical problems or medical needs Abandonment Inappropriate clothing for weather conditions Utah Education Network (2003)
WHY CHILDREN DON’T TELL Too young Fear, threatened Bribed Affection Told that the abuse is normal Want to please adults Guilt Utah Education Network (2003)
PROCEDURES FOR CHILD CARE PROFESSIONALS: Always ask parents about injuries. Watch their reaction and explanation which should be logical. They should not be defensive and should willingly give explanations. Any suspected child abuse should first be reported to the director of the day care. Utah Education Network (2003).5% of children don’t tell the truth about abuse
PRIMARY TARGET ZONE: Most NORMAL injuries occur on the front of the body. Primary target zone for abuse is the back, the elbows and knees, also includes the face, hands & wrists. Utah Education Network (2003)
DOCUMENTATION: Document every injury noticed. (date, time, description, comments by child, etc.) Even document injuries that occur at the daycare. Send a copy home to parents. Utah Education Network (2003)
HOW TO REACT IF A CHILD TELLS YOU ABOUT ABUSE: Listen, do not infer, assume or interrogate. Reassure the child that he/she has done the right thing by telling you and that you are glad they told you. Make sure they understand it was not their fault. Remain calm and accepting, don’t over react. Do not promise not to tell. Be honest and tell the child what to expect. Reassure them you will do what needs to be done to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Determine the child’s needs for safety. Utah Education Network (2003)
Final Project Due at the end of Unit 9- March 8 by midnight Worth 100 points Instructions are listed in Unit 9, click on project Use rubric within the syllabus
Final Project Your Unit 9 Project is an opportunity for you to apply the knowledge and strategies that you explored this term. For this project, you will imagine that you are working in an early childhood program. Your childcare director is impressed with the enthusiasm and knowledge that you have been displaying since you returned to college, and he has asked you to present a brief overview to your colleagues of what you have been learning.
Final Project Cont. You have a choice Powerpoint presentation Newsletter/ brochure Video Essay
Powerpoint Presentation Prepare a 12-slide PowerPoint (PPT) presentation, using the notes feature for the oral part of the presentation. The note section for each slide must contain a minimum of 3 sentences. The first slide should include the contents of a cover page, and the final slide should be a reference page
Rubric Component 1. A 12-slide PowerPoint (PPT) presentation, using the notes feature for the oral part of the presentation. The note section for each slide must contain a minimum of 3 sentences. The first slide should include the contents of a cover page, and the final slide should be a reference page.
Newsletter/ Brochure Prepare a 2-sided newsletter/brochure. You should have 2-3 columns on each side using 12 pt. Times New Roman font, with a minimum of words. In addition, you should include a title page and reference page.
Rubric Component 2. A 2-sided newsletter/brochure. You should have 2-3 columns on each side using 12 pt. Times New Roman font, with a minimum of words. In addition, you should include a title page and reference page.
Video Record a 5-8 minute video using a minimum of words and post the video to YouTube or the video website you are most comfortable with. For this option, you will provide a link to your video and your notes. Your notes should be detailed and organized, and they must follow APA formatting and style.
Rubric Component 3. A recording of a 5-8 minute video using a minimum of words and post the video to YouTube or the video website you are most comfortable with. For this option, you will provide a link to your video and your notes. Your notes should be detail and organized, and they must follow APA formatting and style.
Essay Write a minimum 3-page essay. The essay should be double spaced, using 12 pt. Times New Roman font and should include a title page and reference page (not included in the 3-page requirement).
Rubric Component 4. Aminimum 2-page essay. The essay should be double spaced, using 12 pt. Times New Roman font and should include a title page and reference page.
Rubric Component In your project, yoyu share the most important things that you learned this term. You highlight at least one item from each unit of the course. In your submission, you included the following: a short summary of the learning activity that you have highlighted for each unit. a summary of how your learning is relevant to your career goals. and you shared examples of the relevance of your learning to a career in the field of child development.
Rubric Component In addition, you: followed the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation). Regardless of which option you chose, your writing was organized, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your work displayed superior content, organization, style, and mechanics while demonstrating the ability to apply critical thinking skills to illustrate sound reasoning. You included citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style. There was no evidence of plagiarism and you used this rubric as your guide to ensure that you included all the required contents.
Final Project In your project, share with your colleagues the most important things that you learned this term. Highlight at least one item from each unit of the course. In your submission, you will:
Final Project provide a short summary of the learning activity that you have highlighted for each unit. discuss how your learning is relevant to your career goals. share examples of the relevance of your learning to a career in the field of child development. follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation).
Final Project In your project, share with your colleagues the most important things that you learned this term. Highlight at least one item from each unit of the course. In your submission, you will:
References Utah Education Network, (2003) Child Abuse. Retrieved from d= rameworkPDF.pdf Follari, L. M., (2007). Foundations and Best Practices in Early Childhood Education. Prentice Hall. Council for Professional Recognition. Retrieved on October 27, 2009 from