Download music Doing homework / research Google Digital cameras Gaming sites Youtube Social Networking (JD: play video to explain SN here) (MSN, Facebook, Myspace, Bebo, Hi5)
Keeping in touch with our friends Research / helps with our homework Share design skills Young people promote themselves (music/art/writing) MSN can be used for file sharing
Cyberbullying Bad influences Distractions from responsibilities, ie. Schoolwork Grooming – targeted by paedophiles JD: Embed ‘Claire’s video here
DO NOT give your personal details to strangers Use the privacy settings on the site DO NOT put up pictures that you don’t want your grandparents to see! DO NOT add people that you don’t know TRUSTED DO NOT meet up with someone online without a TRUSTED adult REPORT ABUSE Use the REPORT ABUSE button
TALK TO YOUR CHILDREN TALK TO YOUR CHILDREN about the internet Talk about the consequences Don’t be nosy - be understanding of their privacy Be open with them and listen to them Learn from your children Reassure them that they can talk to you Don’t be forceful – that can backfire! Don’t criticise – remember, they know more than you do