SAC Meeting Process and Robert’s Rules of Order A Brief Explanation SAC Chair: David Levy SAC Vice Chair: Steven Schuelka
Purpose To provide a framework for SAC business meetings RRoO sets standards which apply to: –Meeting process –Motions –Voting –Meeting minutes –Consent agenda –Discussions –Information –Adjournment
Meeting process Call to order Roll call – establish a Quorum Consent Agenda –Minutes Action Items / Motions Discussion items Information items New Business Adjournment
Motions A motion is a formal proposal by a member, in a meeting, that the group take a certain action How to make a motion –I move that…and then clearly describe the proposal It is recommended that the motion take a positive direction Language of motion must be precisely stated as it is the language that the group votes to approve / reject –For a motion to be considered by the group it must be ‘Seconded’ by another member of the group –Chair restates the motion
Motions Debate the motion –This means the motion is in discussion –Our practices is to: Have open discussion about the motion for clarification, then: Alternate taking for and against the motion until: Either all discussion has been exhausted or the Previous Question is called, then: –Vote on the motion Accept (for the motion) Reject (against the motion Abstain (a non-vote due to conflict of interest, typically) –Chair reports the results of the vote
Typical Motions Typical types of motions: –Main motion –Amendment to a motion Must complete before returning to the Main Motion (which may now be an amended motion) Only one amendment is allowed at a time Friendly amendment (this is an ASQ practice) –Previous Question Move to end debate and vote on the current motion –Motion to Postpone Requires a time or date to postpone to –Motion to Commit Refer to committee
Typical Motions –Lay on the Table Laying the motion aside temporarily without setting a time for reconsideration –Motion to Reconsider Can only be made by a member that voted on the winning side of the motion –Postpone indefinitely This basically ‘kills’ the motion and it may not be brought back for further debate ASQ Practice –Once a motion is decided, the results belong to the entire group regardless of the way you voted individually
Voting Only Regional Directors and designated Other Group Representatives are considered Voting Members of SAC –One vote per individual on any motion All SAC votes are majority votes unless otherwise stated in Policy
Voting – SAC Chair Chair presides over meeting Chair does not participate in debate unless he or she passes the Chair function to the Vice Chair until the Motion is completed The Chair should only vote when either: –The vote is by ballot, in which case the chair votes along with and at the same time as all other members, or –The chair’s vote will change the result of the vote (a tie breaker for instance)
Consent Agenda In 2014 SAC is adopting the usage of a Consent Agenda Consent agenda is a motion to approve or reject a number of items that do not require debate. Examples of items on the Consent Agenda are: –Minutes of the previous meeting –Policies and Procedures –Section name or location changes –Section dissolution The items on the consent agenda are provided in advance for review Any item may be removed from the consent agenda by a request from any voting member
Discussions Discussion items are items being brought to SAC for consideration that do not require approval by vote during the present meeting Example: –Changes to ASQ Policies, Programs, Strategies –Introduction to new programs Brainstorming and questions for clarification are encouraged
Information This is both historical information and communication of events or issues that are coming in the future. Typically there is minimal discussion however questions for clarification are encouraged
Adjournment SAC operates utilizing an adjournment by the presiding officer (SAC Chair or Vice Chair) without a vote by simple statement: –Meeting is adjourned