WITH ‘OFF’ 12 PHRASAL VERBS 1 MIND MENDERS. CALLS OFF MEANING: Postpone or cancel something. We had to call off the meeting with new client. 2 MIND MENDERS.


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Presentation transcript:


CALLS OFF MEANING: Postpone or cancel something. We had to call off the meeting with new client. 2 MIND MENDERS

GO OFF MEANING : Explode or fire. The gun went off at the beginning of the race. 3 MIND MENDERS

LAY OFF MEANING: to stop doing something,give up, fired from work. My sister was laid off from the job. 4 MIND MENDERS

LIVE OFF MEANING : depend on something or something as a source of income or support. My little sister lives off my parents. 5 MIND MENDERS

MAKE OFF MEAN ING : leave quickly. The bank robbers made off with two million dollars. 6 MIND MENDERS

PAY OFF MEANING : yeild good results, succeed My hard work has really paid off,I just graduated with honors and got a good job. 7 MIND MENDERS

PULL OFF MEANING : manage to make something happen. I cant believe they were able to pull off such a big party in spite it was raining cats and dogs outside. 8 MIND MENDERS

PUT OFF MEANING: avoid, delay, postpone. We put off the picnic until tomorrow because it was raining. 9 MIND MENDERS

MEANING: Make someone very mad or angry. Talking about politics always set my uncle off.He thinks government makes too much money. 10 MIND MENDERS

TAKE OFF MEANING – someone quickly leaving. The police officer took off after the speeding car. 11 MIND MENDERS

SHOW OFF MEANING: show or brag about one’s abilities or accomplishments. My friend likes to show off how much he knows about Hollywood movies. 12 MIND MENDERS

WRITE OFF MEANING : cancellation of a bad debt or asset. The bank wrote of 300 default accounts. 13 MIND MENDERS