By: Ms Kellie Claflin, Gillett and Suring FFA Advisor Parli Pro By: Ms Kellie Claflin, Gillett and Suring FFA Advisor
Organization of Meetings Call to order Reading of minutes Unanimous consent (if 1 person objects, vote) Officer reports Standing Committee reports Exist in bylaws/constitution Special Committee reports (ad hoc) Short term, can be fact finding Special orders Unfinished business (not “old business”) New business Announcements, program, adjournment
How many officers needed for meeting? President or chair Secretary or clerk
Meetings and sessions Meeting: a single official gathering of the members of an organization, with a quorum present, in order to transact business Quorum: the minimum # of members needed to conduct business. Majority of members – 50% + 1; can be different if stated in bylaws Session: series of connected meetings
Bring business before the group Making the motion Second Chair ‘state the question’ Debate Chair ‘puts the question’ Vote
Making the Motion Move a motion: make a bed “I move that…” Maker cannot debate against! Motions are to be positively put forward Bad: I move that the chapter does not go bowling. Second The person that seconds may debate against it
‘Stating the Question’ Perfecting the motion – when the chair asks maker for additional info to make motion more specific Locks the motion Maker can still withdraw motion through a motion or by making a request Item shifts from motion to question
Debate For each motion Debatable appeal 2 debates/person No more than 10 min. for each debate Length, etc. can be changed in special rules Debatable appeal Chair gets 2 debates Members get 1 debate “I’m in favor” or “I’m opposed” Should restate original motion
‘Putting the Question’ Chair asks for “further debate” Puts the question to a vote
Vote Voice (aye or no) Hand Standing Ballott Roll Call Chair state results – outcome of vote & effect
Organization of motions Main motion Subsidiary motions Incidental motions Privileged motions Motions that bring business back before the assembly
2 Rules Rule #1: Only one motion before the assembly at a time Rule #2: Only one speaker at a time
Main Motion Purpose Salient points “I move that…” to introduce an item of business Salient points Second, amendable, debatable, majority vote “I move that…”
Amendment Purpose Options “I move to amend the (motion/amendment) by…” To improve the motion or amendment Options Add (end) Insert (within) Delete (strike) Combination (strike & add) “I move to amend the (motion/amendment) by…”
Primary amendment Purpose Salient Points Amends the motion Salient Points Second, amendable, debatable**, majority vote **can be debated only if question amending is debatable
Secondary amendment Purpose Salient points Amends the primary amendment Salient points Second, not amendable, debatable**, majority vote
Request for information Purpose Questions regarding item of business (non-parli) Salient points No second, not amendable, not debatable, handled by the chair, may interrupt “I rise to a point of information” or “I request…” Chair: “Please state your point”
Parliamentary Inquiry Purpose Questions dealing with parli pro Kind method of correcting that which is out of order Salient points No second, not amendable, not debatable, decision by the chair, may interrupt “I rise to a parliamentary inquiry Chair: “Please state your inquiry”
Refer to a committee Purpose Salient points Enables consideration of an item of business Salient points Second, amendable, debatable, majority vote “I refer to the “committee” the motion that…” Restate the motion
Adjourn Purpose Salient points “I move to adjourn” Formally ends the meeting Can be made with business pending Salient points Second, not amendable, not debatable, majority vote “I move to adjourn”
Things You Can Do After Adjourning Ask for announcements Fix the time to which to adjourn – a legal continuation of present meeting Reconsider Reconsider & enter on minutes
Postpone to a certain time Purpose Provides time for informal discussions, deliberation & securing followers Postpone to a later in the meeting – as long as the meeting occurs in the quarter (3 mo.) At the next meeting taken up as unfinished business Can also be special order Salient points Second, amendable, debatable, majority vote (2/3 if special order) “I move to postpone later in the meeting the motion…”
Postpone indefinitely Purpose In effect, “kills” the motion (for this meeting) Can be brought up as new business Salient points Second, not amendable, debatable, majority vote Can reconsider “I move to postpone indefinitely, the motion that…”
Limit or extend time for debate Purpose Provides more or less time Extends the # of debates and/or time limit Limit the # of debates and/or time limit Salient points Second, amendable, not debatable, 2/3 vote
2/3 vote Used if rights of individuals or minority are impacted To figure out 2/3 Double the lower # If greater than, not 2/3 Practice Yes – 30 No – 10 10 x 2 = 20 Motion passes