2014 LEGISLATIVE UPDATE March 19, 2015 Katie Weichman Zulkoski Mueller Robak LLC
104 TH LEGISLATURE FIRST SESSION Convened Wednesday, January 7, 2015 Session lasting 90 “legislative” days 2015 is a budget year Scheduled to adjourn Friday, June 5, 2015
LAWYER LEGISLATORS Senator Matt Hansen, Lincoln* Senator Burke Harr, Omaha Senator Sara Howard, Omaha Senator Adam Morfeld, Lincoln* Senator Patty Pansing Brooks, Lincoln* Senator Paul Schumacher, Columbus Senator Les Seiler, Hastings Senator Matt Williams, Gothenburg* *Elected in 2014
2015 JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Senator Les Seiler, Chair* (Hastings) Senator Colby Coash, Vice Chair (Southwest Lincoln) Senator Laura Ebke (Crete) Senator Bob Krist (Northwest Omaha) Senator Adam Morfeld* (City Campus/Northeast Lincoln) Senator Patty Pansing Brooks* (Central Lincoln) Senator Matt Williams* (Gothenburg) *Attorney
FIRST TEN DAYS Day One (January 7, 2015): Legislature Convenes Day One – Ten (January 7-21): Bill Introduction and Referencing
BILLS PASSED IN TO LAW Bills Introduced Bills Passed %34%39%44%36%
COMMITTEES Agriculture Appropriations Banking, Commerce and Insurance Business and Labor Education General Affairs Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Health and Human Services Judiciary Natural Resources Nebraska Retirement Systems Revenue Transportation and Telecommunications Urban Affairs Every bill gets a hearing before one of the 14 Standing Committees
COMMITTEE ACTION After a public hearing, the committee can: Do nothing Kill the bill (IPP – Indefinitely Postpone) Advance the bill to General File with or without amendments
STAGES OF DEBATE General File Enrollment and Review Initial Select File Enrollment and Review for Engrossment Final Reading Governor’s Signature Sign Veto Becomes law without signature
BILL BECOMES A LAW Immediately with an Emergency Clause 33 votes Three Calendar Months after Adjournment Upon the Operative Date
2015 NSBA LEGISLATION LB 43 - Provide for standby guardians and recovery of assets under the Nebraska Probate Code LB Change operative date provisions relating to the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act LB Change provisions and fees relating to business entity reinstatement LB State matters subject to county court jurisdiction LB 416 – Change provisions relating to transfers of property upon death LB Provide for reasonable fees and costs for proceedings involving a minor under the Probate Code LB Adopt the Technology Information Management Act
2015 PRIORITY LEGISLATION Senator Priorities Committee Priorities Speaker Priorities