Ann Kempster strongnet. Facilitating Deep Thinking about Technology Integration The Creative Pause Andrea Brothman


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Presentation transcript:

Ann Kempster strongnet

Facilitating Deep Thinking about Technology Integration The Creative Pause Andrea Brothman Joan Cusano

Radnor Township School District

Professional Development Curriculum ContextPeople Director Instructional Technology Technology Integration Coach Literacy Coaches Technology Facilitators Technical Support 1:1 Coaching After-school workshops Technology Committees In-time trouble shooting ACTS

Aligning Curriculum with Technology and Standards ContextPeople ( apply ) apply ( facilitate )( hours ) ( sessions ) ( meetings )

Going Beyond Cool

Day 1 – Day 2 Learning Goals Blooms Day 3 – Day 5 EUs and EQs Assessment Scaffolding Day 6 Share Feedback Deliverables New Technologies Exploration Scaffolding Creativity

(eating) (playing) (planning)

Day 1 and Day 2: Setting the Stage Technology in Context Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy Bumping Up Blooms

REMEMBERING Recognizing, identifying, retrieving, locating UNDERSTANDING Interpreting, summarizing, inferring, paraphrasing, classifying, comparing ANALYZING Comparing, organizing, deconstructing, integrating APPLYING Carrying out, using, executing, showing, exhibiting Googling, bookmarking Advanced searches, reflective blogging, tagging, digital annotation, RSS Audio and video conferencing (Skype), presentations (PPt, Prezi), wiki editing, simulations Online surveys (SurveyMonkey, embedded or cell phone polls), spreadsheets (Excel), mind mapping (Webspiration), video conferencing Validating online sources, constructive commenting (blogs), moderating, online conversations (VoiceThread), social networking for resources EVALUATING Checking, justifying experimenting, monitoring CREATING Designing, constructing, planning, producing, inventing Programming, digital stories (Photostory) video-making (MovieMaker), podcasting, directing others thorough media projects, model making (Google Sketch Up), podcasting (Audacity) BLOOM’S (REVISED) DIGITAL TAXONOMY

Completed chart

Day 3 - Day 5: In the Thick of It Day 3 – Day 5 EUs and EQs Assessment Scaffolding

EU and EQ Development

Assessment and Scaffolding (VoiceThread)

Back to the Wiki

What Road Map? Essential Questions Enduring Understanding AssessmentsScaffolding

Day 6 High School Chemistry Problem: Missing Content Tool: Wiki Elementary Phys. Ed. Problem: Balancing Tool: Flip Cameras

Energy for the Future Minister of Energy / Blue Ribbon Panels (Assessment: wiki)wiki Colloquium Presentation (Assessment: PowerPoint) Colloquium Discussion (Assessment: Discussion) Individual Reflection/EQ (Assessment: Written Responses)Written Responses

Dear Diary …it has deepened their understanding of the concepts as well as giving them a way to be technologically involved in their own learning process. I think they actually enjoyed the whole thing! I love the worksheet - the boxes, the wording of the instructions, the circling of Yes or No, and the essential question. I think this will work out quite well. I will try to organize the class as you've stated - I'm not sure how the timing will go March 27 March 7 Feb 15 April 17 April 27 I'm not feeling real confident about my ACTS project - my idea still feels very abstract and like I'm starting from scratch to develop the terminology, activities, scaffolding, assessments in PE. It feels rather overwhelming. I need to postpone the implementation of my ACTS lesson. I do not have anything prepared past what we last talked about. Can we postpone today’s meeting?

$8,000 (subs) $40,000 (technology) $48,000 ($2,400/teacher)

ACTS : iPads PTO SchoolsREF RTSD $96,000 ($6,000/teacher)

Andrea Brothman Joan Cusano

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