Eye-Pal Ace Plus Features All Eye-Pal Ace functions PLUS the ability to communicate via and download books. ABiSee proprietary and Confidential
Buttons ABiSee proprietary and Confidential Wheel
Eye-Pal Ace vs Eye-Pal Ace Plus FeaturesAceAce Plus Compatible with Refreshable Braille Displays Yes Internal MemoryYes Voice RecordingYes Photo AlbumsYes Scan & Read, Calendar, Magnification, Clock, Alarm, and Reminder Yes Wi-Fi ConnectionNoYes Send and Receive Voice Attachments NoYes Send and Receive PicturesNo Yes Download BooksNoYes ABiSee proprietary and Confidential
To use Internet functions on the Plus, you needs access to an available Wi-Fi network. If the Wi-Fi network requires a password, you will be prompt to enter a password. The Device will save your password for that particular network and connect automatically when this network is in the available range. Some public places, like many public libraries, offer free Wi-Fi connection with open access and no password needed. Other places, like airports, coffee shops and hotels, may require a terms agreement for users to accept user terms. The available network being used with the Plus must be one that does not require someone to read and accept user terms. To use the Library function on the Plus, the user must have a Bookshare Account.
How to Set Up an Account ABiSee proprietary and Confidential You will be assigned an account by ABiSee. You may call us directly, let us know the username you want to use, and we will set up your account before you receive your device. Alternatively, you may ask your Local Dealer to assist you with setting up your account. Please call ABiSee tech support if you’d like to arrange for your customer’s account to get set up and activated. Call Toll Free: Later in this session we’ll go over the exact steps on how and where to enter the username and how to add contacts to the Address Book. Please note: In order to receive s to an Ace Plus account, the contact has to send the to (using Additionally, only contacts entered in the users’ Address Book will be able to send and receive s via his or her Plus
How to Check Wi-Fi – Connection ABiSee proprietary and Confidential Press the Home button to go to the Main Menu Press Central Round Daisy Button You should hear: “Main Menu. Battery Charged, Network Connected. “ If instead you hear: “Battery Low” – plug your device into the outlet If you hear: “Network Disconnected” – you need to connect to available Network or add a new network.
ABiSee proprietary and Confidential Press the Home Button to Select Main Menu (once selected, you hear: “Main Menu: Scan and Read) With your Right Scroll Wheel, select Settings. Confirm your selection by pressing the Action Button. Use your Right Scroll Wheel again to select System Settings. Confirm your selection by pressing the Action Button. Use your Right Scroll Wheel to select Wireless Network Setting. Confirm your selection by pressing the Action Button How to Add a New Network or Connect to the Existing Network – Step 1
ABiSee proprietary and Confidential If you hear: Network Settings. Checking for Network Connection. Connected - Then right now you are connected to the Network and may proceed with or library functionality. Press the Home button to return to the Main Menu. If you hear that you are Disconnected, or if you just want to add another network, then using your Right Wheel scroll down to the selection “Add/Delete Networks” and press Action button to confirm your selection. How to Add a New Network or Connect to the Existing Network – Step 2
ABiSee proprietary and Confidential Once the Action Button pressed, you’ll here: Select network to modify (if you have one already). Using your Right Wheel, scroll to select “Add Network”. Confirm your selection by pressing Action Button. The Device will show you a list of available networks. You will hear: Select Network to Modify – and the name of the first available network. Use the Right Wheel to select the network you want to connect to. Press the Action Button to confirm your selection the range. If you like to connect to any of the available networks – select this network and press the action button. If the network is password protected, you will be prompted to enter a password. How to Add a New Network or Connect to the Existing Network – Step 3
ABiSee proprietary and Confidential If you none of the options satisfy you, scroll to the very end of the list, and select “Connect to Hidden Network”. Press Action Button to Confirm. You will be prompted to enter first - the name of the network, then - the type of security (such WEP, WA2. etc.), and finally, a password. Use your Right Wheel to select characters to enter. Use top Daisy Button to select a list of characters to enter (lists o characters include lower case letters (default), shortcuts, symbols, numbers, and upper case letters) When finish entering information, select the right Daisy button to continue. Your entry will be read back to you. How to Connect to a Hidden Network
Press the Home Button to return to the Main Menu Using your Right Wheel, select Address Book from the Menu. Press Action Button to confirm your selection. ABiSee proprietary and Confidential How to Add New Addresses to the Address Book - Step 1
ABiSee proprietary and Confidential Once selected, a new screen appears, highlighting the option of adding a new entry. Click Action Button again to select “Add New Entry”. Please, note: if you already have contacts in your address book, they will appear below the line “Add New Entry”. How to Add New Addresses to the Address Book - Step 2
ABiSee proprietary and Confidential A new screen appears, showing a column of characters on the right. An electronic voice will be telling you how to use letters on the right and buttons on the top. Once it finishes talking, you may go ahead and add a name of the contact, selecting each letter with your right wheel and pressing Action Button every time the right letter is selected. If you made a mistake and need to remove a letter, use the Left Daisy Button. When you finish entering name, press the Right Daisy Button to complete the action. How to Add New Addresses to the Address Book - Step 3 Use your Right Wheel to select characters to enter. Use top Daisy Button to select a list of characters to enter (lists o characters include lower case letters (default), shortcuts, symbols, numbers, and upper case letters) When finish entering information, select the right Daisy button to continue. Your entry will be read back to you, along with the new instructions.
ABiSee proprietary and Confidential Next, enter address using the right wheel to select a character or a letter. The letters and characters appear in the central part of your screen. Once completed – press the Right Daisy Button to add this address to your address book. Please note: you are only able to correspond with people added to your address book. You may now return to the main menu by pressing the Home button (big yellow button) on top of your device. How to Add New Addresses to the Address Book - Step 4
ABiSee proprietary and Confidential To change the existing contact in the address book, select Address Book from main menu, using the right wheel. Press Action Button to confirm. Under the “Add New Entry” option, you’ll find a list of your addresses. With right wheel, select the address you need to change, and press Action Button. You’ll be prompt to a list with 3 options: Change Name, Change Address, or Delete Entry. Please, select the option you need, and press the Action Button to confirm your selection. You’ll be taken to the blank screen with values on the right and ability to spell the name or the address again. Please note: You don’t have an ability to correct one letter or symbol – you are asked to re- enter the name or address. If you intend to delete an address completely, chose Delete option. The device would ask for confirmation. Press Action Button to confirm the deletion. Press Action Button again to return to the Address Book. Press the Home button to return to the Main Menu. How to Add New Addresses to the Address Book - Step 5
ABiSee proprietary and Confidential How to Send – Step 1 Press the Home Button to return to the Main Menu. Use your Right Wheel to select option. Press Action Button to confirm your selection. Use your right wheel to select Send option. Press Action Button to confirm your selection.
ABiSee proprietary and Confidential How to Send – Step 2 You’ll be taken to a screen with a list contacts that you have added to your Address Book. Using the Right Wheel, select the contact you want to send an . Confirm your selection by pressing the Action Button. Please note: You do not have an ability to send an to more than one addressee at once. Scroll your right wheel to select an addressee. Confirm by pressing the Action Button.
ABiSee proprietary and Confidential How to Send and Add Voice Attachment – Step 3 Once Confirmed, another screen will appear prompting you to either Add Voice Attachment, Add Images or send . Select “Add Voice Attachment” first. Confirm, but pressing the right Action button. Press Action button again, to record. You’ll be prompted to start Recording. Press Action button to stop recording. The device will play the recorded message.
ABiSee proprietary and Confidential How to Send and Add Images – Step 4 Once the device stop playing your message, you may choose to Change Voice attachment (re-record your message), add images, or send as is. Let’s select “Add Images” by scrolling the right wheel, and confirm our selection by pressing the Action Button. This feature is used to scan and send documents, forms, or any other type of image. Please note: You cannot add images already stored in your Photo Album. The device will prompt you to press Scan Button. Place the document under the device and press Scan Button to continue. You’ll hear some noise and then, shutter sound. Once the picture is taken, you’ll be returned to the Send Menu. Please note: you will not be able to see the images taken. You may add more than one image, but repeating the Add Images steps again.
ABiSee proprietary and Confidential How to Send – Step 5 And now, it’s time to send you . Use the right wheel to select “Send ” option. Confirm your selection by pressing Action Button. The device will announce sending … it may take up to a minute. Once the action completed, the device announce that the has been sent.
ABiSee proprietary and Confidential Send – Troubleshooting If after the device has announced “Sending ….” the error occurs, such as: “An error occurs while sending the .” First, check your Wi-Fi: Press the Central Round Daisy Button to see if you are still connected. If you are getting a message: “Network… Disconnected”, proceed with steps to connect to available network or add a new network. If it doesn’t help, call the ABiSee Support.
How to Setup Bookshare Account – Step 1 ABiSee proprietary and Confidential Before you receive an ability to download books from Library, you must set up an account with the Bookshare. Press the Home button to return to the Main Menu. Using the right wheel, select Settings, and press the Action button, to confirm your selection. Once in Settings, select and confirm selection for System Settings. Then, the same way, choose and confirm Network Accounts selection.
ABiSee proprietary and Confidential At this time, you’ll be brought to a screen with 2 options: or Bookshare. Using Right wheel, select “Bookshare” and press the Action button to confirm your Selection. You’ll be prompt to the screen where you may enter Username and Password to a new account. Use right wheel to switch between username and password. Use Action Button to confirm your selection. Enter Username and password the same way you have entered new contacts in the address book. Once you’ve added Username, Press the Right Daisy button to complete the action. You’ll be returned to the screen, where you may enter a password now. Repeat the process and add a password to your account. Upon hearing “the Account has been added”, click the Home button to return to the main menu. How to Setup Bookshare Account – Step 2
How to Download Books – Step 1 ABiSee proprietary and Confidential Library is a place to download and store books in electronic format. The Device will read books for you. Press the Home Button to go to Main Menu. Using the right wheel, select “Library”. Confirm, by pressing the Action Button
ABiSee proprietary and Confidential How to Download Books – Step 2 Now, you’ll be brought to a screen saying: Manage Books. If you already have downloaded some books, the names of the books will appear below “Manage Books” line. You’ll be able to browse your books with the right wheel and confirm book selection with Action Button. But in this case, you don’t have any downloaded books yet. Press the Action Button to confirm selection “Manage Books”.
ABiSee proprietary and Confidential How to Download Books – Step 3 Now, you will be showing 2 options: Download More Books or Delete Books. You cannot delete until you download a book. So, let’s choose the first option (Download More Books) Press the Action Button to confirm your selection. Or
ABiSee proprietary and Confidential How to Download Books – Step 4 We assume that your device is connected to the Wi-Fi. To verify this connection, please press Central Round Daisy Button. You’ll hear a system message, confirming that you are connected. You may only download books while you are connected to Wi-Fi. Upon selecting and confirming “Download More Books” option, you’ll be taken to a screen similar to the Address Book Screens. You’ll be prompt to enter search criteria using letters, numbers, or symbols in the right column. The Top Daisy Button will switch between lower case, upper case letters, symbols, shortcuts, and numbers. Space between the words is the only symbol that included in the default list of lower case letters. Upon entering your search criteria, please press the Right Daisy Button to process it. At any time if you made an error, remove the letter by pressing the Left Daisy Button.
ABiSee proprietary and Confidential How to Download Books – Step 5 Search begins. The system will tell you how many books have been found using your search criteria, and read information about the top book. It’ll also let you know if this book available or not. Use right wheel to browse/scroll all books that met your search criteria. Use left wheel to zoom out the results, so you may see more than one title on the screen at the same time. If next to the book title, it says “Not Available” then you will not be able to download that book. Find the one you may download, confirm the selection by pressing the Action button, and start downloading. The Device will tell you: “Downloading Book. Please Wait”.
ABiSee proprietary and Confidential How to Download Books – Step 6 If by any reason, after the prompt: “Downloading Book. Please Wait” you hear “System Error”, try again. The book is already selected, just press Action button one more time. If the book is available, and you are connected to the network, you should be able to download that book without any problems. Once the book downloaded, the device start reading the book immediately. As with Eye-Pal ACE, you may postpone reading, resume reading, go back and forth using the same buttons for Eye-Pal ACE Plus.
ABiSee proprietary and Confidential How to Read Downloaded Books If you stop using the device, it’ll go to the clock mode first. To return to your book, press the Home Button to return to the Main Menu. Select “Library” with your Right Wheel, and confirm your selection, by pressing the Action Button. Under the line “Manage Books”, you’ll now see the book you just downloaded. Using the Right Wheel select this book, and press the Action Button to confirm this selection. Ace Plus will start reading the book immediately, from the place it stopped the last time.
ABiSee proprietary and Confidential How to Delete Books from the Library To delete a book from your Library, go to the Main Menu and select Library. Press Action Button to confirm your selection. Select Manage Books and press Action Button to confirm the selection. Once confirmed, you’ll be brought to the screen where you may select an option Delete Books. Again, confirm this selection by pressing Action Button. Once pressed, a list of available books will appear. Use the Right Wheel and Action button to mark book for deletion and proceed with this action. The Device will ask: Are you sure you want to delete this book? Press Action Button again to confirm. The book will be deleted. You may always download the same book again if no other restrictions apply.
ABiSee proprietary and Confidential Conclusion This concludes new features added to Eye-Pal Ace Plus, and not yet available for Eye-Pal Ace device.
For additional information/Demo: ABiSee, Inc. 30 Sudbury Rd., Unit 1B, Acton, MA ABiSee proprietary and Confidential