A Quick Look at Parliamentary Procedure Brian Kelleher, Board of Directors Former Secondary National President Former State President, DE
Opening Reading/Approval of Minutes Treasurer’s Report Committee Reports Old Business New Business Closing
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, Tenth Edition Governs meetings Used by U.S, U.K, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa Governments Motion = Action
A member seeks recognition for the floor Chairman recognizes the member (member obtains the floor) Member makes a motion Another member seconds the motion Chairman states the question Debate (amendment and secondary motions) Chairman puts the question to a vote Chairman announces the result of the vote
Agenda: sequence of items for a meeting Amendment: a change proposed in a motion by altering it Carried: to be adopted or passed Committee: one or more members appointed or elected to complete a specific task Discussion: debate that follows after the chair has stated a motion Floor: the motion is currently being discussed, as in “on the floor” Minutes: official record of what is done at a meeting
Motion: a proposal that a certain action should be taken Out of order: a motion or procedure that violates the rules Point of information: a request to the chair to obtain information about the business at hand Point of order: a request to the chair to recognize an infraction in parliamentary procedure Stating the question: restating of the motion by the chair Table: to postpone further discussion of a motion, either for a set period of time or indefinitely
Main Motion – an action motion. Proposing that something be done. ◦ Example: “I move to host an Ice Cream Social.” Privileged Motion – motions that hold rank over all other motions. ◦ Example: Move to adjourn, raise a question of privilege Subsidiary Motion – motions applied to main motions. ◦ Example: Amendment, Lay on the Table, Previous Question, Limit, Postpone, Refer Incidental Motion – motions that can occur once a main motion is presented ◦ Example: Point of Order, Point of Information, Inquiry, Information, Division
Can the chairman (President) vote? Should seconds be recorded in minutes? What is a majority? What is a quorum? What happens when it’s a tie? How long can a member speak in debate? Should you move to discuss or make an action?
Motion to hold a dance Second the motion Discussion Amend the main motion Second the amendment Call for a vote Vote