CSE101 Lab 3 Lecture Productive Team Work and Meeting CSE 101 Yinong Chen 1
CSE101 Agenda Productive Team Work Meeting Format Meeting Carry Through Meeting Minutes 2
CSE101 Team Work Work from two or more people Typical team work consists of o 50% of interactive work o 30% individual work (clearly allocated) o 20% overhead Team leader and facilitator o Volunteer o Elected o Rotated o Workload can be allocated for being the leader o Authority of the leader 3
CSE101 When Conflicts Occur Types of conflicts o Conflict in ideas o Conflict in management o Conflict in time and resources Conflict Resolving o Compromising and agreement o Voidance o Prevention o Forcing 4
CSE101 Productive Team Work Sessions and Meetings 1. Use an agenda 2. Have a facilitator 3. Carry Through 4. Take meeting minutes 5. Review meeting/draft next agenda 5
CSE Use an agenda Usually drafted at previous meeting or ahead of time by the meeting facilitator Should be sent to meeting participants at least a day in advance Should be brought to the meeting by all 6
CSE101 Agendas should include… Review of previous meeting’s minutes Each topic to be discussed (brief description) o Ordered logically and in order of importance o Presenter or person responsible denoted by each topic o Associated action items/tasks 7
CSE Have a facilitator A facilitator is the leader of the meeting The facilitator is responsible for: o Moving through each agenda item o Keeping the discussion on the agenda items o Soliciting information and opinions from the quieter meeting attendees o Watching the time and keeping on the time schedule 8
CSE Carry Through Complete (or table) each agenda item before going to next Start discussions with a presentation of currently known facts Comments and criticism should be actively solicited from all team members (invite some controversy) Presenting different ideas be encouraged Different ideas should be openly discussed. The differences must be understood and advantages and disadvantages of each be pointed out 9
CSE101 Team Communication Communication is essential to success When somebody is talking, the others must listen The talker should give an opportunity for feedback Other team members will not know your ideas unless they are clearly expressed What other people understand from words is not always what you mean Express your ideas as clearly possible· Ask for feedback from your ideas Be an active listener, make sure speaker knows that you are listening 10
CSE101 Risk Management: Plan for uncertainty and loss Encounter portions that are difficult to implement o Alternative designs Run into support system failure that causes delays o Computer failure, networking problem o Do not postpone the task to the night before the work is due Product is so defective that testing takes too long o Evaluation is ongoing process o Discover the problems as early as possible Lose control over changes made and spent time on items that have already been developed o Documentation o Versioning (version control) 11
CSE101 Risk Management: Plan for uncertainty and loss (Contd.) Your team might not work together effectively o Workload enforcement & management (equal % allocation) o Progress enforcement & management (% completed so far) o Responsibility enforcement & management (% completed) o Documentation and meeting minutes o Approval of meeting minutes in the next meeting Individuals might run into personal problems which reduced productivity Team Work o Communication with the team members o Workload re-allocation and making up plan (% re- allocation) 12
CSE Take Meeting Minutes Meeting minutes are the written record of what happened in a meeting Minutes are outlined by the agenda for that meeting Minutes contain: o Brief, but concise descriptions of what was discussed o Names and contact information of people responsible for “action items” o Date/time/place of next meeting 13
CSE101 The minute taker: o Takes notes during the meeting o Creates a final draft of the minutes later that day o Sends a copy ( or hard copies) to each person who attended AND to each person who has an interest in the meeting topics (whether they attended or not). Minutes should be sent to participants no later than 2 days after the meeting has occurred. The role of minute taker should be rotated among team members 14 Take Meeting Minutes (cond.)
CSE101 Typical Outline for Meeting Minutes Date/time/place of meeting Names of attendees, facilitator, and minute taker Agenda items o Description of discussion o List action items with names, due dates Agenda for next meeting Next meeting date/time/place 15
CSE Review Meeting and Draft Next Agenda Before a meeting adjourns, the facilitator should (orally): o Briefly review each agenda item o State a one-sentence synopsis of what was discussed or concluded o Re-state (for the minute taker) the names of people assigned tasks for the next meeting o With group suggestions, create a new agenda for the next meeting. This re-cap and review of the meeting insures that all participants have the same information 16