Welcome to the IATI TAG meeting Moor Hall, Cookham 14—15 May 2012 Overview of IATI Brian Hammond Chair of the TAG.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to the IATI TAG meeting Moor Hall, Cookham 14—15 May 2012 Overview of IATI Brian Hammond Chair of the TAG

Outcome of Partner Country Meeting – 23 April  Excellent Partner Country pre-meeting – 8 points to Steering Committee: 1.IATI standard fully meets needs of PCs and non-state actors; should be the Busan common global standard. Avoid creating another new standard; implement existing commitments. 2.Welcome inclusion of transparency in global indicators to monitor Busan – to measure schedules by end-2012 and implementation by end Congratulate 25 already publishing in IATI format. Urge all signatories to produce updated implementation schedule by end May and publish some information by end 2012; Existing publishers to increase frequency and completeness by end Support deferring decisions on IATI hosting and governance until later in Request guidance for partner countries on automatic data exchange to their AIMS. 6.Increase facilitation of sharing aid transparency experiences among countries. 7.Ensure better communication around IATI/aid transparency between donor capitals and country offices. 8.Ask donors to support developing sustainable capacity for effective use of aid information.

Outcome of Steering Committee  Busan and IATI – the common standard  Clear mandate to reach agreement with other stakeholders on the common standard incorporating the full IATI standard in time for endorsement at end June by final meeting of DAC Working Party on Aid Effectiveness.  The Global Partnership for Effective Development  IATI can help inform political discussion and can assist in monitoring.  Agreed to postpone decisions on IATI hosting and governance pending agreement on the common standard and Global Partnership structure.  Subgroup to look at options later in  Demonstration of tools to access IATI information and ways IATI data are being used  Annual Progress report and donor self-reporting  Signatories to update implementation schedules by end June (end December for new signatories) in time for first IATI Annual Report in September.  DFID found data review to highlight gaps and drive continuous progress.  IATI Country Pilots and Budget Alignment Study – for discussion in TAG  IATI Workplan and Budget  workplan noted; hosting subgroup to consider resource implications of arrangements

Organisation standardActivity StandardImplementation schedule No. of signatories published (out of 31) 714 No. of non-signatories published 1114 Overview of progress  IATI now has 31 signatories – UNFPA and UN Women latest to join – 14 are already publishing  22 partner countries have endorsed IATI  Signatories provide 75% of official development finance; those publishing provide 43%  11 non-signatories are also publishing to IATI

Overview of progress Original signatories to 2008 Accra Statement SignatoryImplementation scheduleOrganisation dataActivity data AsDB NoYes Australia Yes Denmark YesNo EC YesNoYes Finland YesNoYes GAVI No Yes Germany No Hewlett Foundation Yes Ireland No Netherlands Yes New Zealand YesNo Norway No Spain No Yes Sweden YesNoYes Switzerland YesNo UNDP YesNoYes United Kingdom Yes World BankYes  12 of 18 already publishing  6 still to provide implementation schedules  Half publishers still to provide organisation-level data

Overview of progress signatories SignatoryImplementation scheduleOrganisation dataActivity data AfDB No Canada No CDC No Global Fund YesNoYes IDB No IFAD No UNCDF No UNFPA No UN-HABITAT No UNICEF No UNOPS Yes UN Women No United StatesNo  2 already publishing and provided implementation schedules

Overview of progress Other publishing organisations  11 publishing and 4 with implementation schedules SignatoryImplementation scheduleOrganisation dataActivity data ADRA-UK No Yes CAFOD YesNoYes DIPR YesNoYes EWB Canada No Yes Indigo trust YesNoYes International HIV/AIDS Alliance NoYes Oxfam No Yes Progressio No Yes Publish What you Fund No Yes Resource Extraction Monitoring YesNoYes SPARK No Yes

Overview of progress Provision of core elements of the standard  Most publishers are providing core information  More to do on implementing organisations, commitments and disbursements DataNumber publishing Percentage (of publishers) IATI ID25100% Title25100% Description2392% Dates: Start planned Start Actual End planned End actual % 72% 80% 40% Funding Organisation1872% Implementing Organisation1456% Recipient Country / Region2496% Sector2184% Transactions - Commitment1352% Transactions - Disbursement1352%

Overview of progress IATI value added value elements: progress by signatories  Timeliness - 3 updating quarterly; 3 more six monthly  Future spend – 4 providing activity budgets  Disaggregation – 4 disaggregating spend to aid traceability  Few links to documents and results; none to conditions or geocoding IATI Added value areaNumber publishing (out of 14) Timeliness of data (at least quarterly) 2 Frequency of updates: At least quarterly At least twice to date 3636 Country forward budgets 2 Activity forward budgets 4 Multiple sectors 4 Actual project dates and project status 12 Disaggregated disbursements and expenditures(at least quarterly) 4 Disbursement and expenditure transaction detail 2 Planned disbursements 1 Identifies variety of participating organisations 12 Documents 2 Results 1 Conditions 0 Geo-coding 0