Parliamentary Procedure Donna Parton Assistant Administrator, Leadership Training Florida District of Key Club International
A good chairman is one who inspires confidence by his assurance, and who keeps the assembly informed at all times as to what is before them for consideration and vote.
What is Parliamentary Procedure? A code of ethics and rules for working together in groups
Purpose Expedite business. Maintain order. Insure justice and equality for all. Aid in the accomplishment of the objectives.
Expediting Business 1. Begin on time. 2. Be thoroughly prepared. 3. Use an agenda. 4. Know Parliamentary Procedure. Use proper parliamentary terms to keep a smooth flow throughout the meeting.
5. Appoint a Parliamentarian. 6. Use unanimous consent when possible. 7. Request that reports be written and orally summarized. 8. Request that motions be written.
9. Keep all discussion directed through the chair. 10. Allow discussion only after a motion has been seconded. 11. Restate the motion after it has been seconded and open the floor for debate.
12. The Chair should always remain impartial. 13. Set time limits for debate if necessary. 14. Allow members to speak a second time on a motion, only if those who have not spoken the first time on the motion do not wish to speak.
15. Restate the motion prior to the vote. 16. Print all announcements in advance and distribute, or ask that all announcements be given to one officer to read or summarize before adjournment.
17. Look as if you enjoy presiding!
Order of Business Call the meeting to order Pledge and Invocation Reading and approval of minutes (Minutes approved as read/corrected) Treasurer’s report
Officers’ reports* Committee Reports* * If there are no recommendations, the report is filed. If there is a recommendation, committee chair moves the recommendation be adopted. Unfinished (old) business New business Announcements Adjournment
Presenting Main Motions 1. Rise and address the presiding officer. 2. Wait to be recognized. 3. State your name and position. 4. Propose the motion. “I move we….” 5. The presiding officer asks for a second.
6. Another member seconds the motion. *A seconder does not need to agree with the motion. Some motions do not require seconds. reports from committee privileged motions (immediate importance) incidental motions Point of order or information Object to consider Division of the house
7. Presiding officer states the question. “It has been moved and seconded that….” 8. Discussion if the motion is debatable. Amend: inserting, adding, deleting, or substituting
End debate “I move the previous question”. or “I call the question”. Requires: a second no debate 2/3 vote
9. Disposition of Motion vote to approve postpone discussion refer to committee (all those in favor signify by saying aye all opposed signify by saying aye) 10. Results of the vote is announced.
Let’s Practice ! 1. Rise and address the presiding officer. 2. Wait to be recognized. 3. State name and position. 4. Propose the motion. 5. The presiding officer asks for a second. 6. Another member seconds the motion. 7. Presiding officer states the question. 8. Discussion Amend: insert, add, delete, substitute 9. Disposition of motion: vote, refer to committee, table… 10. Results of the vote is announced.