College Planning: Easing the Financial Burden Advice from CPAs
Easing the Financial Burden How you’re going to pay for children’s college education? –The numbers can be overwhelming –It won’t be easy –It will take planning, research and belt tightening –It might even take debt
Easing the Financial Burden Funds for paying for a child’s college education will usually comprise three sources: –Savings –Financial aid –Tax relief You should not save for college at the expense of your own retirement savings
Easing the Financial Burden It pays to start early Take advantage of the power of compounding –The earlier you start the more interest you will earn and the more you will save
Easing the Financial Burden Consider how to allocate your assets –Stock Market –Short-term bond funds –Money Market fund You want to know the money is available when you need it
Easing the Financial Burden Valuable tax breaks to consider while saving for college: –529 Savings Plan/Qualified Tuition Program –Prepaid Tuition Plan –Coverdell Education Savings Account –Uniform Gift to Minors Act –Savings Bonds
Easing the Financial Burden State-sponsored 529 Savings Plan, also known as a Qualified Tuition Program –Earnings and distributions are tax free –No income limits on contributions –Investment minimums are low –One child can be beneficiary of more than one account –Assets managed by a professional financial services firm
Easing the Financial Burden Prepaid Tuition Plan –Pay future tuition at a state college at today’s lower rates
Easing the Financial Burden Coverdell Education Savings Account –Save for college the same way to save for your retirement
Easing the Financial Burden Uniform Gift to Minors Act Unlimited investment options –Parental control over assets –May be subject to “kiddie tax” Savings Bonds –Series EE and I bonds
Easing the Financial Burden Nest Egg Falling Short? –Use of financial aid –Loans –Tax credits and deductions
Easing the Financial Burden A few more options… –Advanced Placement classes –Community College –Postpone for a year –Volunteer
Easing the Financial Burden Useful Tips… –Involve your child in the financial planning process –Encourage frugality –Begin saving as soon as possible –Encourage your child to be an achiever –Make a joint effort