MoversSuite Getting the Most Out Of Your Investment
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Online Help and Release Notes Online Help Current Release Information Past Versions Information
Training Available For New Employees MoversSuite videos are available for new and/or existing employees. Several videos include a quiz for employees to take.
Provide Feedback The opportunity for all users to enter their product suggestions Vote and comment on existing suggestions Directly notifies the Product When we update the status, you get notified
Upgrades MoversSuite Upgrades are generally available every two weeks Our customers can upgrade themselves Scheduling can be done online This will ensure you have the latest and greatest our product has to offer
Automated s can be sent to various personnel associated to the order. Automated s can be sent when the actual load or actual delivery date is set or changed on an order. Send available under shipper name and as a right click option in Account Profile, AR Credit & Collections and Claims. Ability to reports.
Shipment Status Automatically downloads from the vanline. When set on own authority orders, users can be prompted to enter key pieces of information. Easily accessible in Dispatch (Local and Long Distance) with a Right Click option. Changing Order Status can update Shipment Status (cancelled orders)
CSV IMPORT ComData imports can automatically chargeback drivers. Credit Card statements can be imported. Minimal time spent on setup to use this functionality.
Bookmarking Word Documents Bookmarks are predefined programmed fields in MoversSuite that transfer into a Word Document. Bookmarked letters and forms can be created by the company without MoversSuite assistance. Because the documents are created in Word they can be edited. Bookmarks only function with Word and not Excel.
Safety Allows the user to track safety information for Equipment and Personnel. The information displays in both Local and Long Distance Dispatch. Safety Events can be added in both Dispatch modules. Reports are available for planning and results.
Safety Indicators Personnel and Equipment have a Safety Indicator field. The fields are color coded : Clear - No Safety Date exists Green - All Safety Dates are beyond 30 days from expiring Yellow - One or More Safety Dates is nearing expiration (within 30 Days). Red - A safety violation is in effect. One or more Safety Date has expired. Black – Administrative hold is effect. Users will not be able to assign these personnel or equipment to a service.
Result Grid displays can be exported to Excel or HTML in: Claims AR Credit and Collections Local Dispatch Long Distance Dispatch Dynamics GP Order Inquiry Features of a Full Function Grid Setting Visible Data Columns Arranging Data Columns Sorting Data Grouping Data Filtering Data Display Settings are Automatically Saved Default display settings can be restored Custom Searches.
Document Viewer All documents relating to and order are centrally located. Any type of document can be attached as well as saved s. Documents can be grouped/organized based on how your organization wants to see them in the Document Viewer.
Administration Tool Not everyone should be an Administrator but the Administrator doesn’t have to do it all. Specific Admin profiles can be setup giving users access to very specific information within the Administration tool. Opened directly from the application.
Hints, Tips & New Features Quick Find and Previous Find Reports by Group Hot Keys Labels can be centrally located Multiple Labor Types can be assigned to a single personel record. Refresh Button in Revenue
Coming Soon Quickfind being added to Claims Attach multiple documents in Document Management See more information on local services in Revenue Entry Cash Receipt improvements
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